To The Batmobile!

Ken AshfordWar on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment

0069610It looks like Osama’s days are numbered:

In his latest adventure, Batman will dispense with his old enemies, the Riddler and the Joker, and take on Osama bin Laden instead.

In Holy Terror, Batman!, a new graphic novel by the Batman writer Frank Miller, the Caped Crusader will take on al-Qa’eda when his home town, Gotham City, which is based on New York, is attacked by terrorists.

"It is, not to put too fine a point on it, a piece of propaganda – Batman kicks al-Qa’eda’s ass," Mr Miller told a San Francisco comic book convention. "It just seems silly to chase around the Riddler when you’ve got al-Qa’eda out there.

Well, it seems silly to have a fictional character going after bin Laden, but at least somebody’s on the case.

"Superman punched out Hitler. So did Captain America. That’s one of the things they’re there for. It’s an explosion from my gut reaction of what’s happening now, a reminder to people who seem to have forgotten who we’re up against."

I think most people know who we’re up against.  The problem is, the Bush Administration forgot.  Then again, since they probably read comic books, maybe this will serve as a reminder.