And What Happens When He Leaves?

Ken AshfordEconomy & Jobs & DeficitLeave a Comment

In his State of The Union address, Bush called for the United States to develop alternative energy sources, including renewable energy (wind, solar power, etc.).

Now he’s on a speaking tour to push those ideas.

Today, Bush is to speak at National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in Golden, Colorado.

Slight problem though: Last month, many people were let go from NREL due to budget cutbacks.

Not to worry though.  The Energy Department shoved $5 million to the lab, taking money from other accounts, so that workers could be rehired before Bush arrives.  You know, to avoid embarrassment.

UPDATE:  Mixed messages:

President Bush on Tuesday acknowledged that Washington has sent "mixed signals" to one of the nation’s premiere labs studying renewable energies — by first laying off, then reinstating, 32 workers just before his visit.