Guess What? Kaye Grogan Is Angry

Ken AshfordRight Wing Punditry/Idiocy1 Comment

Today, it’s at ABC . . . I think.

Shame on the Super Bowl coordinators for lining up several notables to be recognized just before the National Anthem Sunday, but failing to mention our troops for a job well done.

The troops are done?  Cool.

By the way, Kaye, the National Anthem?  Kind of a tribute to war.  Just sayin’….

How would you like to be within one step of being blown up stepping on hidden land mines or reaching out to tenderly touch the head of a child secretly wired up with explosives, for ingrates back home?

Chldren’s heads are being secretly wired with explosives for ingrates back home?  Assuming that I am one of the "ingrates" that Kaye is referring to, can I just say something?  Whoever is secretly wiring children’s heads on my behalf, please don’t do that anymore.  Thanks.

And shame on ABC for ignoring this oversight or should I say over slight?

Kaye is the next Oscar Wilde.

But let’s skip down a bit:

There have been wars and rumors of war since the beginning of time, and no amount of antiwar demonstrations are going to stop wars.

Right.  Fuck it.  Let’s have a war ALL the time, for ANY reason.

(Pssst, Kaye.  There are going to be abortions too, regardless of what law is on the books.  So maybe you should stop demonstrating against those, eh?)

The liberal news media, both in print and broadcasting, wouldn’t understand war unless like Bob Woodruff they are in the middle of unfriendly gunfire, and take a direct hit nearly killing them.

But Bob Woodruff was nearly killed in Iraq.  So I guess, um, the liberal news media does understand war now.  Right?

If the biased media would spend half as much time and effort building up our military’s confidence as they do painting them as women and baby killers, they could help build up their morale.

That’s right.  By building up the military’s confidence, we build up the military’s morale.

If there are documents to back-up the allegations that Saddam Hussein was involved with helping to train terrorists, they need to be released to the public ASAP. While I realize many documents are too sensitive and would compromise national security, the innuendoes and rumors surrounding the former Iraqi leader needs authentication, to prove once and for all — the reason President Bush felt the need to deploy our troops to Iraq, was warranted and legitimate.

B-b-b-b-but, Kaye.  You’re willing to sacrifice national security just to show that Bush was right?

Anyway, skipping below even more, we come to a Kaye Grogan run-on sentence:

If the Clinton Administration had been doing their job, — perhaps the tragedy at the Twin Towers, Pentagon, and the plane piloted by crazed terrorists that went down in Pennsylvania, could have been intercepted if wiretaps had been used on cell phone conversations between Osama bin Laden and his operatives, as he instructed them to learn to fly planes at our aviation training schools here in America, so they could carry out his vengeance on innocent Americans.

I have no smarky comment about that; I just like it.

When the terrorists only showed prior interest (while training) in learning to get airplanes in the air, and zero interest in landing them, somebody’s curiosity should have sparked enough suspicion that something was amiss, to start an immediate investigation into the odd behavior.

Funny.  It DID spark someone’s interest.  Of course, it never made it up the chains of the intelligence community in order to do anything about it.  All happened during Bush’s watch, too.  But fine.  We’ll blame Clinton anyway.

It is obvious some people are going to find fault with the Bush Administration, even as they are being blown to smithereens, by the same terrorists they defended.

Instead, those people should be thanking the Bush Administration while they are being blown to smithereens by terrorists.

And now to my favorite part:

Wednesday night when the alarm sounded indicating the possibility a dangerous nerve agent had been detected in the Russell Senate Building, around 200 had to be immediately evacuated. Thank goodness the substance turned out to be harmless. But the point I’m getting at: no matter how one might defend the terrorists for possible political gain — the terrorists’ main goal is to kill as many Americans as they can.

Shorter Kaye: "A false alarm about a nerve agent in the Senate Building — which actually turned out to be nothing more than cleaning solvent — proves my point that terrorists are out to kill us."