Evangelical Infighting

Ken AshfordEnvironment & Global Warming & Energy, GodstuffLeave a Comment


Despite opposition from some of their colleagues, 86 evangelical Christian leaders have decided to back a major initiative to fight global warming, saying "millions of people could die in this century because of climate change, most of them our poorest global neighbors."

Read the full statement of by the leaders of the the Evangelical Climate Initiative.

Here’s the summary:

  • Claim 1: Human-Induced Climate Change is Real
  • Claim 2: The Consequences of Climate Change Will Be Significant, and Will Hit the Poor the Hardest
  • Claim 3: Christian Moral Convictions Demand Our Response to the Climate Change Problem
  • Claim 4: The need to act now is urgent. Governments, businesses, churches, and individuals all have a role to play in addressing climate changestarting now.
  • Signatories

The interesting sidenote to this item is that this represents an increasing divide in the evangelical community.  The signatories are striking out against the powerful National Association of Evangelicals.