Everything’s Out Of Whack In Kansas City

Ken AshfordEducation, Sex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

Censorbluevalley…but they haven’t gone as fer as they can go.

A group of concerned parents in the Blue Valley School District want to ban certain books from the high schooler English curriculum.   The petition objects to the "quality of the books", although as far as I can tell, literary "quality" is measured largely by the number of polite words (the less vulgarity, the higher the "quality" of the literature).  Other objections are centered around books which contain racial conflict (because, apparently, we want adults-of-the-future to be unaware of disgraceful behavior) and books that don’t have a happy ending.

Click on the links below to find out what the Blue Valley parents find so objectionable about each book (you can click past their "warning" message).

  1. All the Pretty Horses
  2. Animal Dreams
  3. The Awakening
  4. The Bean Trees
  5. Beloved
  6. Black Boy
  7. Fallen Angels
  8. The Hot Zone
  9. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
  10. Lords of Discipline
  11. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
  12. Song of Solomon
  13. Stotan
  14. This Boy’s Life