Fox News: Anti-Christmas

Ken AshfordGodstuffLeave a Comment

Well, the "War on Christmas" trumpters have a new enemy: Fox News.  Here’s why:

Fox News, the media company whose hosts have staunchly defended the public use of the word "Christmas," is raising eyebrows after posting a story on its website with the headline, "Holiday Trees Arrive at Capitol, White House."

The story written by starts off with its lead sentence reading: "Two of the nation’s three branches of government were adorning themselves with more branches Monday as holiday trees were delivered to the Capitol and the White House."

It was originally posted with a headline reading, "Government Branches Out for Holidays," before being changed to the one noting "Holiday Trees."

I expect Fox will cave before the day is out.

RELATED:   Other evangelical Christians, after taking a close look at Yales’s Skull & Bones Society, are beginning to worry about Bush’s soul.

RELATED:  Laura Bush may be next.  Here’s what she said at the Christmas Holiday Tree ceremonies at the White House:

Well, all things bright and beautiful is the theme this year. I think it will be really bright and beautiful with this fabulous tree. But thank you all very much. Happy holidays. I know this is the real start of the season, the Monday after Thanksgiving, and so I want to wish everybody happy holidays. And we’ll see you later this week with the White House decorations.

She even talked about Santa’s elves decorating the White House.  But did she say a word about the birth of Christ?  Nope.  Now she’s in for it.