The Road To Burka-ville

Ken AshfordGodstuffLeave a Comment

Brio magazine is a teen health and beauty magazine put out by — wait for it — James Dobson’s Focus On The Family.  In it, we find such gems as this:

Today’s fashion has taken girls away from showing off their personality and instead has them trying to show off their sexuality. It’s not something I want to see anywhere — especially when I’m at church.

Have you noticed that when you raise your hands in the air, your shirt goes up, too? Whether you’re worshiping God or signing for the hearing-impaired, a cropped top is going to be on the move when you raise your hands above your head. Do you really want to expose your tummy and back to other Christians while they’re worshiping? Why distract people from the Lord?

Sound familiar?  It should:

Girls in Islamic communities are brought up in a way that they would clearly know their place in the family and in society. They must be taught from the very young age that they are inferior; that they must obey their male guardians and that they must keep their beauties hidden behind the veil until a man buys the license to use them. The most effective and visual way of doing this is by forcing young girls to wear the Islamic Hijab (veil) which is not only conveying the required message, but also hinders physical movements and naturally calms the young girl down and teaches them to behave like proper Muslim women.

The Islamic culture and the way it affects on the mental and physical development of women, Soheila Sharifi

So, the religious right is all concerned about teenager girls showing their flesh in church, thus distracting religious men from worshipping Jesus.  Now, I’m no fan of teen fashion these days (body piercing, etc.), but they are teens trying to express themselves, because that’s what teens do. 

That said, the problem isn’t with the girls’ choice of dress — it is with the pervs who are checking them out while (supposedly) praying to Jesus.  Apparently, the pull of the Lord isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.  Sometimes I think repressed people are more perverted than the rest of "heathens".