Local Church Harrasses Pretty Lady For Getting Into Halloween Spirit

Ken AshfordGodstuffLeave a Comment

5129232_1 More butt-in-skys who think it is their calling to make everybody be like them:

ELLETTSVILLE, Ind. — An Ellettsville family whose home is decorated for Halloween contacted police after someone placed on its porch a flier that suggests Halloween praises the devil.

Dalene Gully said she took offense to the flier, which was placed outside her home by the House of Prayer Church of Bloomington.

"I started reading it, and I was very, very upset by it. I found it very accusatory and very threatening," Gully told RTV6’s Ben Morriston on Wednesday.

The church’s pastor, Larry Mitchell, said the people who left the flier would have preferred to talk with Gully, but she wasn’t there.


Mitchell said the church didn’t intend to upset the Gully family, but rather tell people that Halloween isn’t harmless fun.

"Halloween is not fantasy," Mitchell said. "We’re training up our children, and obviously this lady was trained up in this. Halloween seems like it is taking just as much prominence as Christmas."

I wonder where one goes to get "trained up" on Halloween.