Ann Coulter Stew

Ken AshfordRight Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

I honestly think she has lost her mind now.

Today, Ann takes a bunch of key words and topics of the day, throws them into a large bowl, stirs them up with her bony man-hands, and produces an absolutely incomprehensible editorial on a topic which still eludes me, although I’m pretty sure it is intended to be some sort of liberal-bashing.

Let’s see how many times she mixes and matches topics that have absolutely nothing to do with each other.  First, the title:


Okay.  That’s one.  I guess this opinion piece is going to have something to do with judges, or Einstein.  Or both.  Let’s venture further.

Democrats are so excited about Hurricane Katrina, they’re thinking of moving "Camp Casey" to an area outside the National Weather Service.

That’s two.  Even assuming I knew what the subject matter of her editorial was, I still don’t know what this means.  What does Hurricance Katrina have to do with Cindy Sheehan?

What they haven’t figured out yet is how Richard Perle and the "neocons" cooked up a hurricane that targeted only black people.

That’s three.  In only three sentences.

So, what have we learned so far?  Democrats are so excited about a hurricane cooked up by neocons, that we want to move Cindy Sheehan’s protest to the National Weather Service . . . and this has something to do with judicial activism and the Theory of Relativity.