Condi Thinking About Giving The Silent Treatment To Iran President

Ken AshfordBush & Co., IranLeave a Comment

From AP:

"Iran needs to get a message from the international community that is a unified message," Rice said at a news conference that focused mostly on talks she plans to hold in New York next week during the special session of the U.N. General Assembly.

She said she might say "hello" to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad if they come across each other in U.N. corridors.

But that’s it.  Just a "hello".  If he’s lucky. 

Or she could just walk past him, like he’s not even there, and go straight to her locker. 

Or maybe she could have a friend give a "secret love test survey" for Ahmadinejad to fill out in study hall.  But no — he’ll probably be all like "what’s this?" and stuff.  It’s not that Condi doesn’t like him, but she doesn’t like him like him, y’know?