Concept Of Time Eludes O’Reilly

Ken AshfordRight Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

Fox News host Bill O’Reilly, on his show The Radio Factor, August 22, complained that Grandparents Day this year will fall on 9/11:

"Now, listen to this. September 11 not only the day of the attack, but it’s Grandparents Day. Can you imagine who made the calendar on Grandparents Day on September 11, what a genius this was?"

The answer?  The "geniuses" were the 1979 Congress.  President Carter signed the bill into law, which says that National Grandparents Day will be the first Sunday after Labor Day. 

This year, that day happens to fall on September 11.

Note to Bill:  People in 1979 were not aware of events that were to unfold in 2001.  Welcome to the space-time continuum.

Tomorrow:  O’Reilly wonders why he can’t put on his socks after he puts on his shoes.