To hear right wingers talk (at least today), recruitment levels in the Army are just fine.
From New York Post columnist Ralph Peters (via Powerline), we get this today:
Every one of the Army’s 10 divisions — its key combat organizations — has exceeded its re-enlistment goal for the year to date. Those with the most intense experience in Iraq have the best rates. The 1st Cavalry Division is at 136 percent of its target, the 3rd Infantry Division at 117 percent.
Well, that’s re-enlistment. (And, of course, doesn’t "exceeding" goals depend an awful lot on where the goalposts are set?) Peters continues:
What about first-time enlistment rates, since that was the issue last spring? The Army is running at 108 percent of its needs. Guess not every young American despises his or her country and our president.
Well, that’s not what I’ve heard. I heard that enlistment goals are down. Was I misinformed? Glenn Reynolds thinks it’s the mainstream media’s fault:
It’s as if they’re biased or something.
Okay, Glenn. We’ll play in your backyard. Here’s the lead from Fox News, from today:
WASHINGTON — The U.S. Army will miss its recruiting goals this year but will be able to sustain troop levels in Iraq over the next four years, a high-ranking general told FOX News.
If you go on to read the Fox story, you will see that re-enlistment levels are up, and first-time enlistment levels are up as well. But only in the past few months. For the year, the Army will still be have deficits in manpower and recruiting. At least, that’s what high-ranking generals in the Pentagon are telling Fox News.
If you can trust them.