Wall? What Wall?

Ken AshfordGodstuff, RepublicansLeave a Comment

I’ve always thought that mixing politics and religion creates and cheapens both.  Worse than that, it is downright dangerous.  USA Today carries an excellent story about how the far right is spreading its divisive values (and, yes, un-Christian values) from the pulpit:

CANTON, Ohio — Pastor Russell Johnson paces across the broad stage as he decries the "secular jihadists" who have "hijacked" America, accuses the public schools of neglecting to teach that Hitler was "an avid evolutionist" and links abortion to children who murder their parents.
"It’s time for the church to get a spinal column" and push the "seculars and the jihadists … into the dust bin of history," the guest preacher tells a congregation that fills the sanctuary at First Christian Church of Canton.

That is his mission. Johnson leads the Ohio Restoration Project, an emergent network of nearly 1,000 "Patriot Pastors" from conservative churches across the state. Each has pledged to register 300 "values voters," adding hundreds of thousands of like-minded citizens to the electorate who "would be salt and light for America."

And, perhaps, help elect a fellow Christian conservative, Ohio Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell, as governor next year. That has alarmed some establishment Republicans who back rival contenders and warn that an assertive Christian right campaign could repel moderate voters the party needs.

Dontlisten Evangelical Christian leaders nationwide have been emboldened by their role in re-electing President Bush and galvanized by their success in campaigning for constitutional amendments to ban same-sex marriage, passed in 18 states so far.

Now some are organizing to build on last year’s successes. They want to solidify their role in setting the political agenda and electing sympathetic public officials.

The Ohio effort isn’t unique. Johnson’s project — which he says has signed up more than 900 pastors in Ohio during its first 10 weeks in operation — has helped spawn the Texas Restoration Project in Bush’s home state. The fledging Pennsylvania Pastors’ Network has signed up 81 conservative clergy so far. Similar efforts are beginning to percolate elsewhere.

"It’s maturing as a movement within the evangelical Christian community," says Colin Hanna of Let Freedom Ring, a Pennsylvania-based group that teaches pastors how to be involved in politics.


Conservative Christians have become the most reliable bloc of voters in the Republican coalition, the sort of grass-roots army that organized labor once provided for Democrats. Many have become active in politics because they feel battered by a Hollywood culture that offends their values. They decry federal and state court decisions that have recognized abortion rights, opened the door to same-sex marriage and barred organized prayer from public schools.

"We as Christians need to take a stand as to what our beliefs are," Linda Stoffer, 50, a bank loan officer, says after the service in Canton. Her top concerns are gay marriage and abortion. "And life issues," adds her husband, Dave, 54, who works in a cabinet shop. "Like, what was her name? Terri Schiavo."

"We sit back and let it happen," Jean Wuske, 77, says. "We need to be more vocal — let God back into places he should be, like in the schools."