More Krazy Kristian Kookdom

Ken AshfordGodstuff, IraqLeave a Comment

From the Jackson Hole Star Tribune, via Lizard Queen, we learn of a reprehensible protest. 

A Kansas preacher and gay rights foe whose congregation is protesting military funerals around the country said he’s coming to Idaho on today to picket the memorial for an Idaho National Guard soldier killed in Iraq.

Carrie_french The soldier was 19 year old Carrie French (pictured below) who died last week in Kirkuk, Iraq, when an improvised explosive device (IED) exploded and hit her vehicle.

First of all, you may be wondering why a Wyoming newspaper is covering a story about a Kansas preacher protesting a funeral in Idaho.  Well, the Kansas preacher is none other that the gay-bashing slimeball, “Pastor” Fred Phelps, owner of and  He was thrust into national noteriety when he walked around Laramie, Wyoming, spewing his hatred, during the Matthew Shepard incident and subsequent trial (see, The Laramie Project).  So, Wyoming isn’t exactly crazy about this guy.

Why is gay-hating Phelps protesting at the military funeral of this all-American girl/fallen soldier?

Because he claims that “God killed Cpl. Carrie French with an improvised explosive device in retaliation against the United States for a bombing at Phelps’ church six years ago.”

Now, I know God moves in strange and mysterious ways.  But why would God kill a young girl using an explosive device?  I mean, He’s, you know, God!!  What’s wrong with a good old-fashioned smiting?!?

More importantly, what the hell did Carrie French have to do with the (alleged) bombing of Phelps’ church 6 years ago?

These questions are, of course, rhetorical.  There is no reasonable answer, but I mention it to demonstrate that the hatred and bile that passes for theology from these douchebags is so random and nonsensical.

I don’t know what the afterlife holds for me, but I hope I get a ringside seat when Phelps’ judgement day comes, and he has to meet God face-to-face.  I think there will be a special place in Hell for this piece of excrement, not to mention his followers and supporters.