More on The Religious Left

Ken AshfordGodstuffLeave a Comment

Oh, you bet they exist:

Those on the left who are waiting for progressive religious leaders to add their voices to the national political debate need wait no longer. A powerful assembly of religious leaders from a variety of traditions gathered at Riverside Church in New York on April 4. Their message was loud and clear: the militarism of Bush, the widening divide between rich and poor, the failure to provide families with health care, education, safe neighborhoods, even food, demands a revolution.

It was three-hour rally, but you can watch a brief video recap of the Riverside event here., helped co-sponsor Riverside, and, with Ben Cohen (of Ben and Jerry’s and True the subsequent national campaign.

You can read more about the event by clicking on the Break the Silence graphic. If you think this emergence of progressive religious leaders is as important as we do, hit the contributions button and help sponsor the campaign.

At a time of growing religious fanaticism and its embrace by the right, Americans need to see there is a community of conscience that speaks up for their values while preserving the essential constitutional separation of church and state.