57 per cent of Australians think US foreign policy to be as great a threat as that of Islamic fundamentalism.
Can’t imagine why. Unless you think about it.
I mean, of ALL the nations on this planet, which one has been involved in more wars and had more of its troops in other sovereign lands?
Which nation invokes "pre-emption" as its preferred foreign policy (no, Nazi Germany doesn’t count, since it no longer exists)?
Which country is the only one to resolve a war through weapons of mass destruction?
And which country directly mocks and ignores the sole international body created and designed to promote peace and dialogue among disagreeing nations?
Hint: it ain’t Canada.
It doesn’t assuage my concerns when I read stuff like this:
The White House says the F-16s are a reward to Islamabad for its help in disrupting terrorism networks, despite a decade of Pakistan’s strong support of Al Qaeda and the Taliban government in Afghanistan.
Yet Pakistan’s ruling generals could be excused for believing that Washington is not seriously concerned about the proliferation of nuclear weapons. How else to explain invading a country — Iraq — that didn’t possess nukes, didn’t sell nuclear technology to unstable nations and didn’t maintain an unholy alliance with Al Qaeda — and then turning around and giving the plum prizes of U.S. military ingenuity to the country that did?
Oy vey.