Epistemic Closure Can Kill A Party

Ken AshfordEducation, Election 2018, Fake News, Right Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

An internal poll conducted by the Republican National Committee revealed that “57 percent of people who describe themselves as strong Trump supporters don’t believe Democrats have a chance” of winning back the House. That has Republican operatives worried because it signals complacency, which is a problem for the upcoming midterm elections where turnout is key. It’s not hard to imagine … Read More

Houston Police Chief Has Had Enough

Ken AshfordCrime, Education, Gun ControlLeave a Comment

Another school shooting occurred last week.  It is getting so that it barely registered as news anymore.  The same script was followed.  Thoughts and prayers. We need to do more.  Yada yada yada. It occurred at Santa Fe High School in Santa Fe, Texas, in the Houston metropolitan area, on May 18, 2018. Ten people were fatally shot and thirteen … Read More

Another High School Shooting

Ken AshfordCrime, Education, Gun ControlLeave a Comment

WATCH: Police respond to reported shooting at Great Mills High School in Maryland. Latest updates here: https://t.co/ttLqQjWsZ0 pic.twitter.com/yaLGZwDpdq — NBC News (@NBCNews) March 20, 2018 Initial reports of the shooting came after classes at Great Mills began at 8 a.m. ET. About 1,600 students attend the school. We are Here for you, students of Great Mills 💗 together we can … Read More

Moments From Sec of Education Betsy Devos’ Crash-And-Burn Interview On 60 Minutes

Ken AshfordEducation, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

Sec. of Education Betsy DeVos struggles to answer fairly basic questions on school performance on 60 Minutes pic.twitter.com/lFVq3USwUW — Axios (@axios) March 12, 2018 Will Secretary DeVos scrap Obama-era “guidance on how to identify, avoid, and remedy discriminatory discipline”? “We’re studying it carefully,” the secretary tells 60 Minutes. pic.twitter.com/RiQKyenMQB — 60 Minutes (@60Minutes) March 11, 2018 Reactions: MAGA people are … Read More

Breaking: Another School Shooting (Guaranteed To Make NRA Heads Explode)

Ken AshfordEducation, Gun ControlLeave a Comment

Well, NOW what’s the solution??? From The Daily Beast: Police in Dalton, Georgia say an adult is in custody after reports of shots fired at a high school. The suspect barricaded themselves inside a classroom, police said, and investigators believe the suspect is a teacher. No students were injured. The incident comes days after President Trump called for arming teachers … Read More

All Politics Is Local

Ken AshfordEducation, Gun ControlLeave a Comment

How is Trump’s “Arm The Teachers” solution playing across the states? Not well for the most part: The State (South Carolina): “SC politician giving guns to teachers in message to ‘deranged psychotic degenerates.’” Greenville News (South Carolina): GOP “Governor candidate Catherine Templeton calls for arming teachers while opening campaign.” News & Observer (North Carolina): “NC education chief says more cops … Read More

Armed Teachers: A Pathological And Ineffective Idea

Ken AshfordEducation, Gun ControlLeave a Comment

School teachers carrying firearms and readied for gun battles in grade school classrooms is a level of social pathology that signals the end of any viable, coherent society. Travel such a path, and the barbarism and fearmongering of the American abattoir can only accelerate. — David Simon (@AoDespair) February 21, 2018 UPDATE:… but it’s lucrative! JUST IN: President Trump suggests … Read More

Breaking: Scotus Decisions

Ken AshfordEducation, Race, Supreme CourtLeave a Comment

Three big cases remain outstanding on the SCOTUS docket: one on abortion, one on immigration, and one on affirmative action.  The last one was just handed down moments ago. FISHER v UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS Facts of the case In 1997, the Texas legislature enacted a law requiring the University of Texas to admit all high school seniors who ranked in … Read More

Are We At The Mercy Of Stupid People?

Ken AshfordEducation, Election 2016Leave a Comment

David Harsanyi, senior editor at the Federalist, opens his op-ed at the Washington Post: Never have so many people with so little knowledge made so many consequential decisions for the rest of us.A person need only survey the inanity of the ongoing presidential race to comprehend that the most pressing problem facing the nation isn’t Big Business, Big Labor, Big … Read More

Trump DoubleSpeak

Ken AshfordEducation, Election 2016, Gun ControlLeave a Comment

A classic example of Donald Trump’s relentless double-speak. First he denies he ever advocated having guns in classrooms, then, within seconds, says “teachers should have guns.” Then, incredibly, he backs up, does another denial about advocating guns in the classroom, and then adds that some teachers should have guns. I don’t care what your politics are on guns… can’t we all agree … Read More

University Coddling And “Safe Spaces”

Ken AshfordEducationLeave a Comment

I keep reading about “safe spaces” showing up in our universities, and it strikes me as just bizarre.  As far as I can tell, a “safe space” is a designated space intended to give people who might find comments “troubling” or “triggering,” a place to recuperate. Safe spaces are an expression of the conviction, increasingly prevalent among college students, that their … Read More

A Revisit To “Yes Means Yes”

Ken AshfordEducation, Women's IssuesLeave a Comment

The New York Times did a great story yesterday about the virtues and the difficulties of teaching, and enforcing, a “yes-means-yes” policy in schools, particularly colleges. I have written about this before, but by way of quick background, there is a movement on college campuses and in high schools to move away from the “no means no” mantra and teach/enforce “yes means … Read More