Sex Scandal (And Other Silliness) At Creation Museum

Ken AshfordEducation, Godstuff, Sex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

Geez.  It’s only been open a couple of weeks…. The man who plays Adam in a video aired at a Bible-based creationist museum has led a different life outside the Garden of Eden, flaunting his sexual exploits online and modeling for a clothing line that promotes free love. After learning about his activities Thursday, the Creation Museum in Kentucky pulled … Read More

Where Kangaroos Came From

Ken AshfordEducation, GodstuffLeave a Comment

How did kangaroos, indiginous to Australia only, survive the Great Flood depicted in the Bible?  Were they on Noah’s Ark? Fortunately, Conservapedia (the conservative alternative to wikipedia) has the answer: Their entry on kangaroos, for instance, says that, "like all modern animals . . . kangaroos are the descendants of the two founding members of the modern kangaroo baramin that … Read More

80th Annual (Not Putnam County) Spelling Bee

Ken AshfordEducationLeave a Comment

Starts today.  Semifinals air on ESPN tomorrow from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm.  Final round airs on primetime ABC — 8:00 to 10:00 pm — tomorrow night.  If you get a chance to see it — even if it’s for ten minutes — do so.  These kids are amazing, and the competition is nail-biting.  Here’s some stats from the Scripps … Read More


Ken AshfordEducationLeave a Comment

Very very dumb: During the last night of the trip, staff members convinced the 69 students that there was a gunman on the loose. They were told to lie on the floor or hide underneath tables and stay quiet. A teacher, disguised in a hooded sweat shirt, even pulled on a locked door. After the lights went out, about 20 … Read More

Kirk Cameron Should Return To Acting

Ken AshfordEducation, Godstuff

Bad as he was, at least he was a better actor than he is a logician. Here’s Kirk’s powerful scientific argument to prove the existence of God: “Darwin said in order to prove evolution, which is the #1 alternative to God, you’ve gotta be able to prove transitional forms. One animal transitioning into another. And all through the fossil record … Read More

A Hopeful Sign

Ken AshfordEducation, GodstuffLeave a Comment

Evolution Sunday: Flocks of the Christian faithful in the US will this Sunday hold special services celebrating Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. The idea is to stand up to creationism, which claims the biblical account of creation is literally true, and which is increasingly being promoted under the guise of "intelligent design". Proponents of ID say the universe is so … Read More


Ken AshfordEducation1 Comment

UNC messed up: CHAPEL HILL, North Carolina (AP) — An admissions department e-mail sent from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill congratulated 2,700 prospective freshmen this week on their acceptance to the school. The problem is that none of the applicants have been admitted. They won’t start finding out until March whether they’ve made the cut. "We deeply … Read More

“An Inconvenient Truth” Banned From Seattle School

Ken AshfordEducation, Environment & Global Warming & Energy6 Comments

There’s about nine things funny with this story.  Sad, and funny: This week in Federal Way schools, it got a lot more inconvenient to show one of the top-grossing documentaries in U.S. history, the global-warming alert "An Inconvenient Truth." After a parent who supports the teaching of creationism and opposes sex education complained about the film, the Federal Way School … Read More

Kirk (“Growing Pains”) Cameron Disproves Evolution

Ken AshfordEducation, Godstuff1 Comment

Here’s how: The logic of and support for evolution also was questioned in a stunt the two [Kirk Cameron and fellow evangelical Ray Comfort] did for their television show, when they let "evolutionists hang themselves with their own words." "We called eight airlines (on camera) and asked if they would let us bring a ‘relative’ on the plane. We said … Read More

Give The Kid An “A” In History; Fail The Teacher

Ken AshfordConstitution, Education, Godstuff1 Comment

Matthew LaClair is a student in public high school in Kearny, New Jersey. David Paszkiewicz is his 11th grade accelaerated history teacher. Paszkiewicz would often lace his classes with — well — historical inaccuracies, including telling the students that only Christians went to heaven, that the Big Bang and evolution were false, and — wait for it — that dinosaurs … Read More

Srry, Bt Ths Is Nt Eng

Ken AshfordEducationLeave a Comment

Very strange: WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — New Zealand’s high school students will be able to use "text-speak" — the mobile phone text message language beloved of teenagers — in national exams this year, officials said. Text-speak, a second language for thousands of teens, uses abbreviated words and phrases such as "txt" for "text", "lol" for "laughing out loud" or … Read More

Stupidity In Education, Part XVIII

Ken AshfordEducationLeave a Comment

Bunch of uptight prissy pants, if you ask me: Not It! Mass. Elementary School Bans Tag The Associated PressWednesday, October 18, 2006; 10:00 AM ATTLEBORO, Mass. — Tag, you’re out! Officials at an elementary school south of Boston have banned kids from playing tag, touch football and any other unsupervised chase game during recess for fear they’ll get hurt and … Read More

Animal Sex

Ken AshfordEducation, Sex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

Locally-located, politically syndicated, two-time public office loser Nathan Tabor is mad at "the gay" again.  Even when it is gay animals. Another Liberal Fairy Tale By Nathan Tabor The nation of Norway has now given us the first museum exhibition that claims that the birds, the bees, and other animals may be homosexuals. The Oslo Natural History Museum exhibit is … Read More

Death of the Cursive

Ken AshfordEducationLeave a Comment

I agree with Ezra: This Washington Post lament over the decline of cursive instruction aside, I’m hard-pressed to come up with a subject nearly as useless as script writing. In elementary school, stylized penmanship was a big deal. By high school, the teachers had asked that I stopped using it because it was harder to read. Glad I learned that. … Read More

School Shootings And The Copycat Effect

Ken AshfordCrime, Education1 Comment

This blogger is an expert on school shootings and the "copycat" effect.  his name is Loren Coleman and he has dealt with the Copycat Effect through his federal government funded research work, books, and media consultations for almost three decades. He is the author, coauthor, or editor of over 25 books, one of which is the acclaimed Suicide Clusters (Faber … Read More