Our Favorite Ex-Congresswoman Predicts The End Of Times

Ken AshfordGodstuff, Right Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

Go ahead, Michele Bachmann. Break out your “THE END IS NEAR” sign. You know you want to. She came close in a radio interview: Michele Bachmann says the rapture is coming, thanks to President Barack Obama’s policies on Iran’s nuclear program and marriage equality. In a radio interview last week, Bachmann, the former Minnesota Republican congresswoman, told “End Times” host … Read More

Slate’s Amanda Marcotte On Demonic Possession

Ken AshfordGodstuffLeave a Comment

We’ve been following the bizarre story of Arkansas state legislator Justin Harris, and the controversy surrounding his adopted, and then given-to-a-molester, daughters.  But rather than merely recount that story, we’ll let Amanda Marcotte discuss the bigger picture: This story of Arkansas state legislator Justin Harris’ adoption debacle has been a classic, slow-moving trainwreck, as the Arkansas press discovers disturbing new … Read More

The Muslim Terrorist Victims?

Ken AshfordBreaking News, Crime, Godstuff, Gun Control, War on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment

So here’s what happened: CHAPEL HILL, N.C. (AP) — Three people were shot to death at a quiet condominium complex near the University of North Carolina, and the suspect was scheduled for a court appearance Wednesday — though police had not yet released a motive or given details of the crime. Craig Stephen Hicks, 46, was arrested and has been … Read More

The Daily Show Comes To Winston-Salem

Ken AshfordGodstuffLeave a Comment

There was a bit of controversy here in Winston-Salem recently.  It made international news.  Here’s how the BBC reported it in August: For the past four years, Mary’s Gourmet Restaurant in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, had been surprising customers with a 15% discount if they prayed or meditated before meals. “It could be anything – just taking a moment to push … Read More

Head Explode

Ken AshfordGodstuff, History1 Comment

Christian conservatives are complaining about the new Russell Crowe action movie "Noah" because it does not accurately depict the real-life flood as written in the Bible. Oy. By the way, has anyone answered the question as to where all the flood waters went?  I mean, the whole planet was covered in water — higher than the highest mountain.  Where did all … Read More

The Hobby Lobby Case

Ken AshfordConstitution, Godstuff, Health Care, Supreme CourtLeave a Comment

Justice Anthony Kennedy, on whose vote the Hobby Lobby SCOTUS case rests, seems very concerned about the government forcing corporations to cover abortion: WASHINGTON, DC — Justice Anthony Kennedy thinks gay people are fabulous. All three of the Supreme Court’s most important gay rights decisions were written by Justice Kennedy. So advocates for birth control had a simple task today: convince Kennedy … Read More

Nye-Ham Debate

Ken AshfordGodstuff, Science & TechnologyLeave a Comment

So there was a debate between Bill Nye vs Ken Ham (founder of the Creationist Museum) last night on the subject of evolution vs. creationism.  It was fascinating to watch.  One of my key takeaways was that Ham actually admitted that evolution takes place.  He says it explains the varieties of "kinds" of animals.  Rather than say that Noah took thousands … Read More

Sex Education For Kindergarteners

Ken AshfordEducation, Godstuff, Sex/Morality/Family Values1 Comment

Whaat????  OUTRAGE!!!   NEVER!!!  KERFUFFLE!!!!! Wait… maybe I should read up on the facts…. CPS [Chicago Public Schools] insists the curriculum will use language children understand and focus on topics like bullying, correct names for external body parts and the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touching. “As you identify body parts, you talk about should you be touched here or … Read More

Actions Have Consequences, Part XXVIII

Ken AshfordGodstuff, Health CareLeave a Comment

Q.  The senior pastor at a Texas megachurch often speaks from the pulpit against vaccines.  The church's position is that one should seek guidence from God, the Word.   What is the result? (a)  God, the Word, takes care of everybody.(b)  The senior pastor gets a Ph.D. in medicine(c)  There is an outbreak of measles which not only affects members … Read More


Ken AshfordGodstuff1 Comment

Playbill: Harry Scott, the superintendent of Parkview Christian Schools in Nebraska, says he was fired due to his involvement in a community theatre production of The Producers, according to JournalStar.com. Scott, who has worked as an educator for 22 years, had been superintendent at the school, which was started by Calvary Community Church, since 2011. He said he was fired Aug. … Read More

Fake “Pray The Gay Away” Church To Close Its Doors

Ken AshfordGodstuff, Sex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

I guess reality caught up: Exodus International, the oldest and largest Christian ministry dealing with faith and homosexuality announced tonight that it’s closing its doors after three-plus decades of ministry. The Board of Directors reached a decision after a year of dialogue and prayer about the organization’s place in a changing culture. “We’re not negating the ways God used Exodus … Read More

Another Creationism Story To Drive Me Crazy

Ken AshfordEducation, Godstuff1 Comment

HuffPo: The Springboro, Ohio, school board is currently considering a proposal that would allow the district to teach creationism, despite objections from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and local parents. The issue, which was discussed at Thursday night’s board meeting, is part of a larger proposal that would open up a variety of controversial issues for classroom discussion. According to … Read More

God-Evoking During Tragedies

Ken AshfordDisasters, Godstuff, Right Wing and Inept MediaLeave a Comment

Well, this is a refreshing change: You’d think by now CNN would have learned to stop treating its assumptions as truths. But when Wolf Blitzer made a casual comment Tuesday, it turned out to be a teachable moment both for the newsman and television viewers. Speaking live to a survivor of the deadly tornado in Moore, Okla., Blitzer declared the woman … Read More