Fahrenheit 9/11 Trailer

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

Check out the trailer here. Oh. And here’s another good movie trailer — this movie is probably not coming to your area, but it’ll be out on DVD one of these days. It would make a good double bill with Fahrenheit 9/11, would it not?

Bush Campaign Enlisting Help Of Churches

Ken AshfordBush & Co., Election 2004, GodstuffLeave a Comment

As reported here: The Bush campaign is seeking to enlist thousands of religious congregations around the country in distributing campaign information and registering voters, according to an e-mail message sent to many members of the clergy and others in Pennsylvania. Liberal groups charged that the effort invited violations of the separation of church and state and jeopardized the tax-exempt status … Read More

A Tale Of Two Headlines

Ken AshfordHistory, Iraq1 Comment

Veterans Dismiss Comparisons with Iraq – MSNBC, June 2, 2004; 7:48 a.m. E.T. . . . Yet, as a handful of U.S. veterans from the Normandy invasion explained, there are few parallels between the two undertakings. As far as they are concerned, World War II represented a unique era because of the very real, palpable, and all-encompassing threat posed by … Read More

“Pop” vs. “Soda”

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

When people refer to "soft drinks" generically, what word do they use? Well, it depends. This map has the answer. (Note: Click on it to make it big). Anyone want to do one for hoagies/submarines/grinders?

I Belong To A Cult

Ken AshfordGodstuffLeave a Comment

Yes, it came as a surprise to me, too, but here it is in black-and-white (bullsh*t registration required) in the Dallas Star-Telegram: According to the office of Texas Comptroller Carole Keeton Strayhorn, a Denison Unitarian church isn’t really a religious organization — at least for tax purposes. Its reasoning: the organization "does not have one system of belief." Never before … Read More

Good Gramma!

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

I’m an English snob. I admit it. When someone says they want to "axe" me a question, I want to plant my foot in their behind. So let’s take a moment out of our busy days to make sure we’re not butchering the English language, shall we? This is a good place for us to brush up: The 100 Most … Read More

“What Can 30 Million Evangelicals Do For America? Anything We Want.”

Ken AshfordGodstuffLeave a Comment

That was the slogan on the back of the program at yesterday’s National Association of Evangelicals convention, according to the NY Times. (President Bush spoke at the convention via teleconference). They’re wrong, in my view, but it’s scary that they think that. Robert Schuller, who many of you probably know, sounded like the only voice of reason in the bunch. … Read More

Because Mickey Might Expose Himself?

Ken AshfordPopular Culture, Sex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

Without comment, this: Disney Removes Statue Inspired By Janet Jackson ORLANDO, Fla. — The Walt Disney Co. has quietly shelved a life-size statue of Mickey Mouse inspired by singer Janet Jackson, who was roundly criticized for a risque Super Bowl halftime performance. The 6-foot, 700-pound statue was one of 75 unveiled at Walt Disney World in Orlando last fall to … Read More

Physician, Heal Thyself!

Ken AshfordScience & Technology, Sex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

Dr. Paul Cameron is the founder of the Family Research Institute, and is cited often and reverently by the anti-gay (and anti-gay marriage) crowd. Recently, he opined on what was at stake in the present controversy. His belief is that in a few generations, homosexuality will become the dominant form of sexual behavior. Some selected quotes, based on his "research": … Read More

Tenuous Connection . . .

Ken AshfordGodstuff, Sex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

Dennis Prager at TownHall.com has an interesting perspective: America is engaged in two wars for the survival of its civilization. The war over same-sex marriage and the war against Islamic totalitarianism are actually two fronts in the same war — a war for the preservation of the unique American creation known as Judeo-Christian civilization. One enemy is religious extremism. The … Read More

Gary Bauer Prefers Unbridled (get it?) Gay Promiscuity

Ken AshfordConstitution, Sex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

Gary Bauer, in explaining his opposition to gay marriages, gives this as one of the reasons why states should ban it: More importantly, however, the government has an obligation to promote public policy that is best for the general welfare and to discriminate against behaviors that adversely impact society and public health. Tobacco use is heavily regulated by the state … Read More

Thought Experiment

Ken AshfordConstitution, Sex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

On a particular listserv I follow, the following wonderful questions were posed: (1) Is it fair to say that all single adults have a fundamental right to marry? (2) If so, do biologically transgendered folks (those that have mixed genders — not those that opt to surgically or hormonally change their gender) have a right to marry? (3) If so, … Read More

The New Culture War

Ken AshfordGodstuff, Random MusingsLeave a Comment

Let’s take stock, shall we? Uproar about breasts on TV, films which are (arguably) anti-Semitic, Howard Stern being fired because his boss has a new "decency" policy, and debate about whether or not straight people should have to sit still while gays sanctify their lifelong devotion to one another. Not too long ago, I made a comment to the effect … Read More

Supremes Get It Right

Ken AshfordConstitution, Godstuff, Supreme CourtLeave a Comment

Court rejects tax-funded religious scholarships The Supreme Court, in a new rendering on separation of church and state, voted Wednesday to let states withhold scholarships from students studying theology. The court’s 7-2 ruling held that the state of Washington was within its rights to deny a taxpayer-funded scholarship to a college student who was studying to be a minister. That … Read More