Your Congress At Work

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

It's always nice when the Senate can agree on something worthwhile in bi-partisan fashion: WASHINGTON – Legislation to turn down the volume on those loud TV commercials that send couch potatoes diving for their remote controls looks like it'll soon become law. The Senate unanimously passed a bill late Wednesday to require television stations and cable companies to limit the volume of commercials and … Read More

MacArthur Genius Award Fellows Announced

Ken AshfordPopular Culture, Science & Technology, TheatreLeave a Comment

Once again, I was overlooked. The famed MacArthur Fellows Program, which awards "Genius" grants to exceptional inventors, innovators and other creative types, has announced 23 new fellows for 2010. This year's honorees were contacted out of the blue by The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and offered $500,000 with no strings attached over the next five years to pursue … Read More

No, Sarah Palin Was NOT Booed

Ken AshfordElection 2012, Popular CultureLeave a Comment

So last night, on Dancing with the Stars, Jennifer Grey did this really good dance with the dancing partner, and then they cut to the "green room" where Jennifer was interviewed by some airhead co-host, as per show tradition.  Then Jennifer got her score — a 24 (which, as I understand it, is really good for DWTS)  – and in the background, you could hear the … Read More

I’m There!

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

What's this? NEW WAVE PRESENTSSpecial 25th Anniversary ScreeningThe Breakfast ClubMonday, September 20At The Paris Theatre4 West 58th Street The high-school classic—the most famous detention session in movie history! In person: Anthony Michael Hall, Judd Nelson, Molly Ringwald, and Ally Sheedy. The post-screening panel discussion will be moderated by Kevin Smith. Immediately following the event, there will be an afterparty at Good … Read More

Random Acts of Fictional Hatred

Ken AshfordPopular Culture, Random MusingsLeave a Comment

I hate Flo, the spokeswoman for Progressive Insurance.  I want to punch her in her fictional face every time she opens her mouth with that annoying voice. I just need to get that off my chest. On the other hand, the actress who plays Flo seems to be nice enough, and was with the Groundlings. So, you know… a plus … Read More

Star Wars Uncut Is Finished

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

The Star Wars Uncut project, in which fans recreated the entire film Star Wars: A New Hope in 15 second chunks, is all edited and finished. They're still tying up some legal loose-ends before it's officially released, but the entire film is available on their website to watch.

The Web Is Dead: Wired

Ken AshfordPopular Culture, Science & TechnologyLeave a Comment

Of course, the World Wide Web isn't dead, but it's fast becoming a thing of the past. This might come as a surprise to many, but the opening paragraph of this Wired column explains: You wake up and check your email on your bedside iPad — that’s one app. During breakfast you browse Facebook, Twitter, and The New York Times … Read More

Eat Pray Love And Send Me A 2.5 Hour-Long Postcard

Ken AshfordPopular Culture, Women's Issues1 Comment

I guess there's some chick flick coming out today.  And while men will be going to see something else, women will be watching some self-indulgent woman take a year-long journey of self-discovery and navel-contemplating, which, I'm guessing, is probably much more fun to actually do than it is to watch someone else do it for two-and-a-half-hours. Now, in all honesty, it's not fair … Read More

Mel Gibson Rant Quotes As Presented By Kittens

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

Look, you have a choice.  You can listen online to Mel Gibson absolutely freaking out on his ex-girlfriend (it's really disturbingly foul)… OR you can read the transcript (which doesn't do the audio recording justice)… OR, for the faint of heart, you can go here and read selected quotes, as presented by kittens.  Here are a couple of the more tame … Read More

“Glee” Gets 19 Emmy Nomination

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

I don't watch much TV, but it's nice to know that the few shows I did watch this past year did well in the Emmy nominations.  HBO's "The Pacific" got the most nominations (with 24), followed by "Glee" (with 19).  Glee's nominations include acting nominations for Mike Morrison (Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series), Lea Michele (Outstanding Lead Actress … Read More

Complaints Choirs

Ken AshfordPopular Culture, Random MusingsLeave a Comment

What is a "complaints choir"?  It's a community choir that invites people to sing about their complaints in a choir together with fellow complainers. They're springing up all over the place. Here is the Complaints Choir of Chicago: It's a nice way to channel negative energy into something artistic. BONUS:  The cutest picture ever taken

Should Children Be Allowed To Have “Best Friends”?

Ken AshfordPopular Culture1 Comment

The New York Times looks at both sides of the debate.  On the one hand, some psychologists think kids need to learn to network and form diverse interests with lots of diverse friends.  On the other hand, other psychologists believe that having the close intimate bond of a "best friend" is important for later adult relationships, and is preferable to having a lot of … Read More