Oceanic 815 Crash — Side By Side

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

The scene from LOST with Jack and Rose on Oceanic 815, showing Season 1 on the left side and Season 6 on the right. Jack is a long-haired hippie in the one on the right, and the stewardess's outfit (and dialogue) is slightly different.  Will the Lost producers explain this?

“Down Under” vs. “Kookaberra”

Ken AshfordCourts/Law, Popular Culture1 Comment

A judge ruled today that the flute riff from Men At Work's "Down Under" is plagerized from the tune set to an Australian nursery rhyme called "Kookaburra" (also known by its first line: "Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree"). I know "Down Under". I know "Kookaburra". The judge must be high.  

The Lost Supper

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

This ABC promotional shot for the last season of "Lost" apparently contains some clues.  (For example, why is Claire there, but not Desmond?) Click to embiggen to full size:

Independent Cinema Coming To Winston-Salem

Ken AshfordLocal Interest, Popular CultureLeave a Comment

About time, too. I heard it on the local NPR this morning.  A new arts cinema is opening — 2 screens, 160 seats, beer, wine, and a whole bunch of movies you’ve probably never heard of — all in downtown Winston-Salem. It's called Aperture Cinema and as the video shows, it's coming together fast…. Their first showings are scheduled for … Read More

Time, Please Define “Mattered”

Ken AshfordPolls, Popular CultureLeave a Comment

It's that time of year when Time magazine comes out with its "Person of The Year" accolade, usually to much guffawing and consternation.  And to be honest, the Time award thing really has gone downhill since I won it in 2006. So Time chose Ben Bernake this year, which is a fine choice, to the extent that he embodies the … Read More

Glee Get Menzel

Ken AshfordPopular Culture1 Comment

Well, they had Chenowith, so…. why not?  She'll be portraying the coach of McKinley High's rival glee club Vocal Adrenaline.

The Sing-Off

Ken AshfordPopular Culture1 Comment

As a Tufts alumni and fan of a cappella, I was eager to see The Sing Off and I wasn't disappointed. But I didn't think it was necessary for the host to mention several times that the competitors were singing without instruments.  Even if I didn't know what a cappella meant, I would have figured that out within the first … Read More

The Red Balloon(s)

Ken AshfordPopular Culture2 Comments

There's a military experiment taking place tomorrow, and we're the guinea pigs.  All of us. At 10 am tomorrow, DARPA, which stands for Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (the U.S. military's research arm) will release ten large red weather balloons at ten different points somewhere in the United States: "They're not going to be out in the middle of nowhere," … Read More

“Don’t Text Your Junk”: James Lipton

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

The idea of teenagers sexting is disconcerting, but so is this anti-sexting public service announcement starring The Actor's Studio's James Lipton, in which he invokes the phrase "junk"…  There's a lot more like this, i.e.: RELATED —  MSNBC takes a closer look at sexting today: More than a quarter of young people have been involved in sexting in some form, … Read More

White House Crashers

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

First balloon boy, now the White House crashers – seems people will do anything to get on reality TV. Can't we just outlaw the practice of trying to make yourself a media sensation? Or better yet, can't we just make reality TV illegal? UPDATE:  Some depressing stats and thoughts from the New York Times — Once you throw in the ever-expanding … Read More