District 9

Ken AshfordPopular Culture1 Comment

I'm not one for summer blockbusters anymore. I'm old enough to see the cliches, the clunky plot expositions, the cookie-cutter charactors — all designed to show-off yet another gee-whiz battle sequence or demolition of another American city and/or landmark.  I think it was during "Independence Day" when I crossed over.  A fun movie, but really — outside of the SFX, … Read More

Paying To Read Online News?

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

The editor of the Financial Times, Lionel Barber, has predicted that "almost all" news organizations will start invoking some pay-as-you-go scheme for reading their content.  Rupert Murdoch has declared that all News Corp newspapers will be charging online by the end of the year, but as yet no concrete moves seem to have been made. Others aren't as pessimistic. From a … Read More

New Michael Jackson Recording

Ken AshfordPopular Culture1 Comment

Because Michael Jackson's death was premature, there exist a catalogue of unreleased new MJ songs.  Expect a steady stream of them. Here's the first "new" song.  I use the word "new" advisedly, because the song — “A Place Without No Name” — is clearly built on the America classic "A Horse With No Name". So far, only a snippet of "A Place with … Read More

Michael Jackson Pepsi Accident

Ken AshfordPopular Culture1 Comment

I had seen a grainy photograph or two of the accident back in 1984 when Michael Jackson burnt his hair shooting a Pepsi commercial.  I guess I always wonder why, if they were filming, there was never actual video. Well, there is.  Us Weekly got a hold of it.  They've edited it and added some scary music, but you can … Read More

What Kind Of Facebook Friend Are You?

Ken AshfordPopular Culture1 Comment

The 13 Types of Facebook Friends, as idientified by Mental Floss: A) The Overzealous Updater This is the friend who can’t go half a day without sharing What’s On His Mind. Honestly people. We really don’t need to know that you’ve just had your second shower of the day. For that matter, we didn’t need to hear about the first … Read More

Page One News: The Dirth of Dialogue In Porn Movies

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

Is it April Fool's Day?  Is this article (which appears on Page 1 of the New York Times print edition) a joke? It's about adult film actresses complaining that porno movies don't contain plot and dialogue anymore. Rrrrrright.  You just don't see that high-minded Beckett-esque literary quality in adult films anymore — nothing comparable to that found in the classics of yesteryear like Veronica … Read More


Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

I've never seen picture of Michael Jackson's kids (except when their being dangled from balconies with a blanket over their heads). I never thought MJ was particularly good-looking, neither pre- nor post- plastic surgeries.  But his kids?  They're pretty good-looking, especially Paris.  Very striking features.  If she's got talent, I think we're looking at a superstar for the 2020's. OTHER … Read More

Happy Birthday, Walkman

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

Yup.  The Sony Walkman turns 30 years old this week.  Which is relatively young for something that's… well…. dead. In this article, a 13-year-old turns in his iPod to spend a week with a Walkman.  Guess which one he ended up preferring? My friends couldn't imagine their parents using this monstrous box, but there was interest in what the thing … Read More

NC Senate Passes Film Incentives

Ken AshfordLocal Interest, Popular CultureLeave a Comment

Good news: The movie industry got a step closer to better tax treatment in North Carolina as the state Senate on Wednesday approved a bill on a party line vote 27-17 to increase tax credits for qualifying expenses to 25 percent. It still has to be approved by the House before it is implemented, though. Sweetening the incentive pot for … Read More