I haven’t blogged much lately, mostly because I don’t have much to blog about. I haven’t been paying attention to the news. My guess is that things are relatively the same as always: a hurricane, a shuttle which may or may not land, some ’08 candidate saying something stupid… am I right? But I did want to write my review … Read More
Why Russia Lost The Cold War
Actually, I kinda dig this:
Not So Fast, Hank….
"I move over now," Aaron said on the screen as everyone, including Bonds, stopped to watch, "and offer my best wishes to Barry and his family on this historic achievement." Move over if you want, Hank, but to many, the record is still yours. Bonds may have the higher number, but your achievement was greater. You did it purely on … Read More
One Of These Days…
I’m going to do like my brother and spend a couple of weeks in Edinburgh Scotland, going to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. It’s huge. 2006’s Festival Fringe saw hundreds of groups putting on 1,867 different shows with a total of 28,014 performances in 261 venues. But setting side comedy shows, dance performances, music events, and all that, and just considering … Read More
World’s Worst TV Interview
This trainwreck is difficult to watch: The interviewee, Holly Hunter, is fine. It’s the interviewer, Merry Miller, who seemingly can’t get it together. AWwwwkward. At the end, she tips viewers to the NBC website for more information. Problem is, she’s on ABC.
The Lesbian President
24, the hit show among the rightwing, is getting a woman president for the next season. That’s going to ruffle the neo-con feathers a bit. And she’s a lesbian. Okay, that character won’t be a lesbian, but the actress will be. The female president in the next season of 24 will be played by the esteemed Cherry Jones.
Broadway Flashback
The original Broadway cast of You’re A Good Man Charlie Brown, performing on the Ed Sullivan Show. Recognize anyone in the cast? The role of Charlie Brown is played by Gary Burghoff ("Radar" on M*A*S*H*). Some of you may also recognize Skip Hinnant (as "Snoopy") of the old TV show Electric Company (he played, among other things, "Fargo North, Decoder"), … Read More
eBay Bargain
Like the waitress who got a $10,000 tip, it seems that other people (besides me) have all the luck. Another case in point: After a 16-year-old in Britain paid $190 for a PlayStation 2 on eBay, police say he received a box that contained the game console and bundles of euros worth more than $90,000. If I were that kid, … Read More
My Two Cents
UPDATE: Okay, maybe I should clarify. I’m not a literary snob like this guy. I’m not advocating that people should be reading James Fenimore Cooper or Nathaniel Hawthorne. I, too, enjoy my share of massively popular culture (e.g. "American Idol"). I mean — honestly — I’m the first person to agree that it is okay to have a cheeseburger for … Read More
The Dylan Biopic
I’m probably the last one to know this, but here it is anyway. The movie about Bob Dylan called I’m Not There. Now, I’m not a huge Bob Dylan fan musically, but I think a film based on his life is overdue. And the casting is, I think, inspired. Dylan is being played by ….Cate Blanchett??? Here’s a "leaked" sneak … Read More
MacDuff In The Buff
Shakespeare’s MacBeth — completely in the nude? Isn’t that play cursed enough?
I wasn’t aware how much Disney steals from itself. Example: Winnie the Pooh: The Jungle Book:
The Full Monty: The Review
It’s a hit! Baring All: ‘Tasteful’ musical fully uncovers story of hard times By Mary Martin Niepold What’s it like to strip right down to our natural born selves? It’s bad enough if you’re a fledgling teenage girl. But what if you’re a full-grown, out-of-work, steelworker kind of man? That’s the send-up in The Full Monty, the Terrence McNally musical … Read More
Star Trek XI Cast
I want Ed Asner as Scotty: Fresh from Ocean’s 13 and The Departed, [Matt] Damon is pegged for the role of a young Captain James T. Kirk, previously played by the Shat-tastic William Shatner. Meanwhile, Oscar winner [Adrian] Brody (King Kong, The Pianist) is slated for the role of Mr. Spock, which was immortalized by Leonard Nimoy, and CSI: New … Read More
At Least ONE Person Gets It
Great video of an MSNBC journalist refusing to do a Paris Hilton story. P.S.: An actual self-portrait from her days in jail: