Maybe I just don’t get the concept of rehab. Aren’t you supposed to, you know, stay there? Yup, first she’s in, then she’s out, then she’s in….
He’s Just Not Into You [UPDATE: Is It Real?]
There’s something about this I find particularly cruel. Of course, there are times when you just have to end a relationship. But it just shouldn’t be done this way. Ryan Burke is a UNC senior. His girlfriend, Mindy Moorman, was a NC State sophomore. He wanted to break up with her because she cheated on him (although, as it turns … Read More
Meryl Streep Still Hogging All The Good Roles
She’s signed on to play the lead in the film version of Mamma Mia, and now she beat out rivals in the screen adaptation of Doubt.
Pinball Wizard In A Miracle Cure
That must be one gooooood rehab center. Less than 24 hours after checking herself into a rehab center (following her self-delilahing behavior), Britney checks out. Is it me, or does it seem like Britney is intentionally trying to steal focus from the REAL news story: the Anna Nicole Smith death aftermath?
The This American Life
The This American Life, everybody’s favorite radio show that they hardly ever listen to, is coming to television.
Oscar Blog
TNR just launched a pretty good Oscar blog, which might be interesting for, oh, a week or so.
Britney’s Hair Is For Sale
Not available on eBay. Apparently, the owners of the salon where Britney had her head shaved have set up their own website,, in an effort to sell Britney’s now-detached hair (as well as the Red Bull she was drinking). Starting price: $1,000,000.00 Oy.
What Does The House Non-Binding Resolution In Opposition To The Escalation In Iraq Have In Common With “Wicked”?
54 percent. That’s the number of Americans who would vote to cut off funding for President Bush’s escalation plan if they were in Congress, according to a Fox News poll. So while most Americans simply want to STOP the escalation, the Senate cannot even engage in a debate about whether or not to pass a non-binding resolution voicing opposition to … Read More
Morning Caffeine
This has got to be an embarassment: McDonald’s coffee (the new premium kind) rates better than Starbuck’s, according to Consumer Reports.
Girl, You Know It’s True
Well, we’ve had successful movies chronicling the lives of Richie Valens, Ray Charles, and Johnny Cash, to name a few. So what’s next? Yup, a biopic about Milli Vanilli. I wonder who will dub their voices.
Shuddup About The Dixie Chicks
Speaking of Grammys, the right is all bent out of shape that them lubrul Dixie Chicks swept the awards. I have some sad news for them: the Grammys have been irrelevant for a loooong time. Here’s when the final nail was put in the Grammy coffin: 1977, when Starland Vocal Band ("Afternoon Delight") beat our Elvis Costello for Best New … Read More
Catch That Train
A belated congrats to my childhood friend, Dan Zanes, on his Grammy Award for Best Musical Album for Children ("Catch That Train"). Here’s Dan performing in a video from an earlier album ("All Around The Kitchen"): More videos of Dan at the Disney website. I guess he has a show on Disney or something. Apparently, Dan has found his niche, … Read More
The Show “24” Endangers Our Troops
If anyone has ventured into the conservative blogosphere, they’ll soon discover one thing: conservatives love the show "24". To them, it’s not just a TV show — it reflects the gung-ho way that America should be fighting the war on terrorism. In September, Laura Ingraham justified torture techniques by pointing to the show. Around the same time, Glenn Beck did … Read More
Original Star Trek Series Gets A New Look
Paramount has gone back to the original Star Trek series, and updated the special effects with computer technology. Pretty cool. Here, for example, is what the classic episode "The Doomsday Machine" looks like now: I like it. I like it a lot. RELATED: Enjoy this Star Trek/Monty Python & The Holy Grail mashup:
Grease: You’re The One That I Want (To Humiliate)
Is it just me, or is the elimination portion of the reality show competition "Grease: You’re The One That I Want" just plain cruel? When they weeded down the attendees from Grease Academy to the final twelve, how did they do it? They had all the contestents — several dozen — stand in an empty gymnasium and sing "Tears On … Read More