…or drinks wine; she’s a Harvard undergrad — what else is she supposed to do? But I will say this, Rose Kennedy Schlossberg (JFK’s grandaughter) is really stunning looking.
Miss Bin Laden If You’re Nasty
Much snickering lately about the new book by Kola Boof, a woman who claims to have been bin Laden’s sex slave for several years. She claims, among other things, that Osama was obsessed with Whitney Houston, loved the B-52’s and was more or less fixated on women’s rears. Now comes word that the book already has "movie deal" on it, … Read More
Oy, These Kids Today
The Beloit College Mindset List is an informal study conducted each year of incoming college freshmen. It gives a snapshot of their world and reference point. If you want to feel old, check out these items which reflect the mindset of the Class of 2010 (most of whom were born in 1988): The Soviet Union has never existed and therefore … Read More
Even I Have Standards
One might think that I’ll do anything on stage, given the fact that I degrade myself in Debbie Does Dallas: The Musical. Not true. Here’s something I won’t do on stage. In fact, here’s something I wouldn’t even see: a four hour performance piece consisting solely of a naked woman cradling an actual dead pig.
Now I’ve Seen It All
Guess who has the hots for Whitney Houston? Is it… (a) William Shatner (b) Osama bin Laden (c) Jessica Lange (d) Paul Reubens (aka Peewee Herman) The answer will surprise you. See below the fold….
OK Go Again
One year ago, I posted a link to a video by "OK Go". I liked the video because it showed how four non-dancers could do a decent job dancing to cool choreography. Well, "OK Go" has (in my opinion) done it again:
The Hottest Thing On The Internets
The Internet makes it possible for the unknown to develop worldwide fame in a matter of days. Homemade videos get posted at places like YouTube, and the hot ones get passed from person to person, making the video and the video’s subject instant celebrities. Who is the hot celebrity that all the kids are watching now? You may not believe … Read More
New Reality Show Will Lead To Broadway Role
Yup, Broadway is reviving Grease again, but the casting will have a bit of a twist: The T-Birds and the Pink Ladies of "Grease" are coming back to Broadway, where producers are turning to a reality television show to cast the lead roles. NBC said on Tuesday it will broadcast a talent show titled "You’re the One That We Want" … Read More
Liveblogging The WFDD “Debbie Does Dallas: The Musical” Interview
Background here. 9:50 am: Jamie (Director) talks about the "curiousity factor" of the show. Compares DDD with "American Pie" and "Something About Mary". Avoids the word "particularly", which he has a hard time saying. Um, Arthur Miller? 9:52 am: Heather ("Debbie") mentions her dry, deadpan sense of humor. Yup. 9:53 am: Yeah, Jamie. Of course you didn’t have reservations about … Read More
The Science Behind Mel Gibson’s Malibu Meltdown
Last Mel Gibson post, I swear. This isn’t exactly news to any who has been drunk before, but it’s nice to see it confirmed: Was this alcohol-fueled soliloquy an ugly insight into Mr. Gibson’s character — in other words, in vino veritas? Or was it just the tequila talking? *** “We all have things that we might think or feel … Read More
Video Proof That Britney Spears Is As Thick As A Door
This private moment of Britney (filmed by hubby Kevin Federline) shows what a class act she is. She whines about how ugly she is, then she burps, all the while acting — I don’t know — stoned, I guess. She’s swatting at imaginary fairies or something. But the best part comes at the end: Britney: Have you ever seen "Back … Read More
Shorter Pat Boone
"Mel Gibson is not an anti-Semite, because he loves Christ and Christ was a Jew." Pat goes on to explain that it really was the alcohol talking, likening Mel’s outburst to someone with Tourette’s syndrome. Yeah, right.
The Wilhelm Scream
In 1951, a Gary Cooper film called "Distant Drums" was being filmed. The scene called for a man to get eaten by an alligator. As is usual in filmmaking, the actual scream was dubbed in later and edited into the film. That recorded scream later went into the sound recording vaults of Warner Brothers studios. It became known as the … Read More
What Happened To The Original “Debbie”?
It’s a mystery. In fact, nobody is even sure of her real name.
How Digital Filming Changes Acting
Interesting post here about how acting for film is changing. In the old days (i.e., from the early 1900’s until, like, a few months ago), screenactors would rehearse and then do a "take" (or two or three or 26 takes). The main reason? Celluloid is expensive. And that pressure to "get it right" while the film was rolling resulted in, … Read More