I think Rabbi Heir says it pretty good: "Anti-Semitism is not born in one day and cannot be cured in one day and certainly not through the issuing of a press release," Rabbi Marvin Hier, dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles, said in a statement. Gibson should read about Jewish persecution and the Holocaust, among other things, … Read More
Just A Thought
I’m guessing that Mel’s deal with ABC/Disney to produce a miniseries on the Holocaust is going to fall through…. NEXT DAY FOLLOW-UP: Yup, I called it. The ABC television network has pulled a miniseries about the Holocaust it was developing with Mel Gibson’s production company, the Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday, quoting an unidentified representative for the network. Gibson … Read More
Oh, Mel, Mel, Mel
I was never a big Mel Gibson fan to begin with. I got tired of his macho films, from Braveheart to The Patriot, and his latest snuff film ("The Passion of the Christ") sent me over the edge. It looks like Hollywood may be having its own doubts about Mel, following his drunken anti-Semitic rage: A stunned Hollywood debated the … Read More
Pot Smoking Greg Brady
Yesterday’s mystery house was the Brady Bunch house. And keeping with the Brady theme, here is a clip from the show. In his biography, Barry Williams (who played Greg) says that he played this scene (where the station wagon pulls into the driveway), like, totally baked, man. And it shows. He just grins a lot, and almost trips over a … Read More
A Bit Of Advice To Pam Anderson And Kid Rock
Look, kids. You can get married twenty times for all I care — it’s still only gonna last a year.
Who’s Gay Today
Lance Bass. Bill Clinton is too, according to Ann Coulter (Seriously!) RELATED: Did you know that the whole Hezbollah-Israel clash is due to — wait for it — a homosexual parade?
Ken Jennings Blog
Ken Jennings, the dude who won 74 times in a row on Jeopardy!, netting a total of $2.5 million, has started a blog. Already, he’s created quite a buzz, mostly from a post last week about Jeopardy!: Dear Jeopardy!, Hey, I hope you remember me. It’s been a while since we talked. We were a bit of an item a … Read More
You Know You’re Old When…
…your first reaction to reading that Haley Joel Osment [the kid in "The Sixth Sense"] was in a one-car automobile accident is "He’s old enough to drive?!?"
And Now Your Moment Of Zen
Zuiilin English is a popular Japanese TV show that combines aerobics with English lessons. You’ll really want to see this. It’s so good, I’m going to "bump" this post to the top. Enjoy:
Sucker Punch
And I’m such a sucker for this….
Second Headbutter Behind The Grassy Knoll
Ezra Klein gets a little obssessed with the headbutting video. What’s more, take a look (as you did the JFK assassination video) at Materazzi’s head. What I would expect–after a frontal assault on his chest–is for his body to move backwards and for his extremities to compensate (momentum conservation for you science folks) by lurching forwards. What’s more, you’d expect … Read More
June Allyson Is Dead
I thought it was an "open secret" that she was gay. But I see nothing about that in the obits, and I’m not going to say anything. Except, you know, I already did.
Siskel He Ain’t
Brad Morgan of St. Catharines, Ontario, has some — er — issues, which manifest themselves in his reviews of books and movies at Amazon.com. Here, for example, is his take on "The Wizard Of Oz" two-DVD set: Frank Morgan as the wizard has a Christian connection, April 30, 2006The Wizard of Oz movie was shown playing in a movie theater … Read More
Movie Reviews We Never Finished Reading
Movieguide.org: A PRAIRIE HOME COMPANION is a vulgar movie, which makes fun of Christians and implies that everyone goes to heaven….
New Words Added To Dictionary
The English language is always evolving, and I dig the English language (in fact, I use it all the time). So that’s why I’m always interested in seeing what new words have made it into the dictionary. A century ago, in 1806, these "new words" (among others) were added to Webster’s Dictionary: Americanize verb: to render Americancaddy noun: a small … Read More