Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes had their first child yesterday — named her Suri. Brooke Shields also had a baby yesterday — named him Grier Hammond. Mandy Moore sums it nicely: "It’s like babies are popping out all over. Congratulations to everyone." Indeed.
New “Sports”
Competitive Eating is not a sport. It may be a competition, but let’s not call it a "sport". These people are not athletes. They’re gluttons. I don’t care if they win prizes; I don’t care if they "train" and have "coaches". It’s a freak show, and a way to enter the Guinness Book of World Records. That’s all; nothing more. … Read More
American Idol: American Standards Week
I thought last night’s show was the best of the season so far, and I had low expectations. They were all (to varying degrees) very very good. Especially the first three (Chris, Paris, and Taylor). The highest kudos from the judges went to Katharine who I thought, to use an A-Idol word, was actually a little bit "pitchy". The worst … Read More
The Smithsonian-Showtime Deal
If you like independent movies, especially documentaries, this should be a concern for you: The Smithsonian Institution is an American treasure, attracting some 25 million visitors every year. It keeps an incredible archive of collections and has some of the most talented curatorial staff on the planet. But last month, the Institution announced a joint venture with Showtime Networks to … Read More
Idol Update: Bucky’s Week To Go
Finally, finally, finally. Tonight (I predict) we will see the last of Bucky. Or maybe Ace.
Why Mandisa Got Voted Out
Here’s the scuttlebutt from Mr. Furious at Shakespeare’s Sister: The rumor was that she lost the "gay" vote because she made a comment about overcoming addiction and "lifestyles" before singing a gospel song a couple weeks before she was booted. Because everyone knows that only gay guys and little girls watch American Idol. Okay. So then in the post-failure media … Read More
Idol Update: And Then There Were Eight
Bit of a surprise last night, as Mandisa was knocked off way before her time. I think there may have been a little bit of obese-ism behind the votes (on the other hand, I’m reminded that Ruben Studdard a couple of years ago). The bottom three were Mandisa, Elliot, and Paris. Yup, the two blacks and the Jew. C’mon, America. … Read More
American Idol Update: The Remaining Nine
All I can say is: thank God for TIVO. I’m with Simon — I don’t like country music. And what little of it I do like, doesn’t involve Kenny Rogers (who looked like death warmed over). It was the country constestent’s night to shine, and my girl Kellie did very good. Bucky, the other country boy, probably saved his neck … Read More
Bob Ross: The Video Game
No, this isn’t a belated April Fool’s Day Joke. PBS "Joy of Painting" host and walking sleeping pill, Bob Ross, is planning to make a video game based on — well — Bob Ross. Now, a painting program I can understand. But a video game? Maybe you score points based on the number of "happy trees" that you make. Or … Read More
American Idol – The Latest Victim
I was right. It was Lisa. Katharine McPhee really shouldn’t have been second-to-last.
Lost Gene Hackman Movie Discovered
Several months before he became famous in Bonnie & Clyde, Gene Hackman starred in a 16mm, 22 minute U.S. government Civil Defense instructional film entitled COMMUNITY SHELTER PLANNING. Read the story of how the film was found, and what it is all about.
American Idol Update: 21st Century
This week, the theme was "21st century songs". The remaining ten Idol finalists had to pick and perform a song from this century. And, if nothing else, tonight’s show confirmed one thing for me: 21st century music sucks. That said, almost the entire show was a disappointment. Sharp and flat notes, coupled with bland performances, ruled the evening. I was … Read More
Britney Spears Giving Birth On A Bearskin Rug
Remember when I wrote that the pro-life movement wasn’t going to be fond of the "pro-life" statue which depicts a naked Britney Spears giving birth to her child on a bearskin rug? I was right.
Pro-Life Art
This sculpture is entitled "Monument to Pro-Life: The Birth of Sean Preston", by Daniel Edwards. It is being hailed as the first sculpture honoring the pro-life movement, and was funded in part by the Manhattan Right To Life Committee. Sean Preston, for those not in the know, is the son of pop icon Britney Spears, and yes, that is Britney … Read More
New High School Reality Series
This could be very amusing, or crashingly boring. Lifetime is going to have a reality show where high school kids run for class president. The twist? James Carville and Mary Matalin will act as their campaign advisors. The details: Most high school election campaigns are decided over bake sales and banners. Not so for the Washington-area students at the focus … Read More