And I Thought MY Life Was A Waste

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

Question: What’s more pathetic than standing in line at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre in Los Angeles for 60+ days in order to be one of the first to see what is sure to be another really bad Star Wars movie? Answer: maintaining a blog about standing in line at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre in Los Angeles for 60+ days in order to … Read More

Attend The Tale of Bad Casting

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

What?  Are you kidding me?  Such a stir of reactions! First of all, they are making a movie of Sweeney Todd?  That is fantastic!!  Nobody will see it or like it (except for theater folk), but that is largely beside the point. But . . . Russell Crowe as the title character?  Possibly, says Playbill: Russell Crowe is in the … Read More

Sweet Charity Coming To Broadway After All

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

From Playbill: It was on. Then it was off. Now it’s back on again. Broadway will see Sweet Charity at the Al Hirschfeld Theatre on April 11 with Charlotte d’Amboise in the lead, and Christina Applegate joining the show on April 18, producer Barry Weissler told Opening night will be May 4. Good news, if you happen to like … Read More

The Band Wagon

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

The greatest movie musical of all time — yes, even better than "Singing in the Rain" — is Vincent Minelli’s "The Band Wagon", with Fred Astaire and Cyd Charisse.  If you enjoy old movie musicals and still haven’t seen this, then what the hell are you doing claiming that you enjoy old movie musicals? And the really good news is … Read More


Ken AshfordPopular Culture1 Comment

One of the few times I was ahead of the culture curve was about two years ago when I bought my 40G iPod.  This was waaaaay before the latest Apple advertising scheme, with silohuettes and U2 and wild dancing.  That’s right — I (for once) was a trendsetter (and I still love my iPod). But apparently, I was outdone by … Read More

Hot Journalism Chicks

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

You know Liz Marlantes, who is only 30 and (formerly) a great writer for the Christian Science Monitor and who is really cute as well as smart and not only because she looks like Claire Yasewicz who I went to high school with, but because she really is pretty and she went to Harvard, too? Well, ABC picked her up.  … Read More

Oscar Night

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

For the first time in many many many many many years, I really didn’t give a shit.  I hadn’t seen most of the movies, except "Sideways" which was nice. I’m glad Morgan Freeman won.  That was nice. But here’s the thing: does Chris Rock suck bigtime or what?

Chinese Arms

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

China has lots of them. (Scroll down to bottom of page to view incredible video of Chinese performers, who — believe it or not — are deaf!!).

Bat Boy the Musical the Movie

Ken AshfordPopular Culture1 Comment

Word comes from our dear friend Miss Emily Mark — who apparently doesn’t have a website yet (*ahem!*) — that they are making Bat Boy into a movie.  She don’t lie.  We have a special affinity for that show. John Landis is slated to direct.  No word on casting yet.  But if you are out there Mr Landis, may I … Read More

Who Is This Man?

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

This American won the Nobel Peace Prize and saved billions — not millions, but billions — of lives. Yet . . . …take a quick poll among your friends and see how many people can tell you who Norman Borlaug is and then see if the same people know who Ashlee Simpson is. Then come back and try to convince … Read More

New VW Ad

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

I thought I couldn’t be impressed by computer-aided special effects. I thought I had seen it all. I was wrong. (Quicktime Movie — takes a while to load — to truly appreciate, make sure your sound is on) Is Gene Kelly rolling in his grave?

Nice Work If You Can Get It

Ken AshfordPopular Culture1 Comment

Even though it is not opening for another five months, many are eagerly awaiting the premiere of "Star Wars III: The Return of the Who-Gives-A-Shit". (Actually, it is "Return of the Sith"). But Jeff Tweiten in Seattle, Washington is going a bit too far. He’s lining up for a ticket now. He’s even got a couch in front of the … Read More

“What the . . . (trailing off)?!?”

Ken AshfordGodstuff, Popular Culture, Sex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

Plugged In is a magazine and website that reviews movies, television and music from a Christian perspective. It’s a James Dobson venture, and has been popularized recently when it reviewed the Spongebob Squarepants movie and suggested that Spongebob was gay. On a curious lark, I wondered what Plugged In thought about the movie "Kinsey". Now, I haven’t seen this movie, … Read More