“The Newsroom”: S2E5 Review

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

An odd episode, this one.  It's title? "News Night With Will McAvoy".  Hmmm.  That's pretty on the nose. Unlike most recent Newsroom episodes, this one did not jump around in time with flash forwards and flash backwards.  In fact, this episode took place in real time — the 50 minutes of the newcast on April 23, 2012.  We've jumped six … Read More

Thoughts On “Breaking Bad”

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

Now that the last episodes are airing, I confess that I'm a latecomer to "Breaking Bad". Like, within the past month.  The series has always enjoyed a huge fanbase, and I suspect that millions like me joined the bandwagon only this month.  The series also enjoys almost universal critical acclaim, and been the subject of countless articles and reviews. It's … Read More

“The Newsroom”: S2E3 Review

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

It's starting to get serious. In the third episode of the second season, the show thankfully revisited some of the themes and tone of the first season.  Right off the bat, we see Will McAvoy in his broadcast chair, lambasting Michelle Bachmann, Hermain Cain, Rick Santorem, and Mitt Romney for refusing to stand up for a gay front-line soldier who … Read More

“The Newsroom”: S2E2 Review

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

The second show of the season didn't really move the ball forward very much.   There was more fall out from the YouTube video of Maggie screeching at the Sex and the City bus (the rant in which she declares her desire for her "best friend's boyfriend" which led to her break-up with Don).  Sloan and Maggie track down the … Read More

“The Newsroom”: S2E1 Review

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

*SPOILERS ABOUND. ALERT. * Pity Aaron Sorkin.  People expected so much from "The Newsroom" and many didn't get what they wanted.  Critics found the show preachy.  Others, like my girlfriend, found the women characters especially vapid.  We were told they were brilliant and/or "the best in the business" although we didn't really SEE them being particularly brilliant.  And in relationships, … Read More

We Live In A Reactive World

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

Yesterday, two girls, fans of The Hobbit, posted a video of their reaction to Peter Jackson's video about the new Hobbit movie.  They were very excited.   So director Peter Jackson decided to get all meta on everybody, and have charactors from the movie react to the girls' reaction video.   

Summer Reading

Ken AshfordPopular Culture, RepublicansLeave a Comment

It's called… Description: Presidential candidate Danielle Powers, full of firebrand pluck and red state sex appeal, has the country in a tizzy. But on an international tour to beef up her foreign policy experience, disaster ensues—her plane explodes over Siberia. Miraculously, Danielle survives, along with one other passenger—a mysterious stranger named Steadman Bass. Trapped in a wilderness of snow and ice, … Read More

I Feel Sorry For These People

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

From Business Insider: Taking time off for family or passions "can offer a nice life," legendary GE CEO Jack Welch once told The Wall Street Journal. But he said that it lessens the chances for promotion or to reach the top of a career path. Welch is not the only one who believes this.  Recently, Glencore Xstrata PC CEO Ivan Glasenberg argued that executives who start to … Read More

Quote Of The Day

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

From Slate: I was hoping to see zombie Merle rise again and rescue Milton so the two could start their own spinoff. Nevertheless, the season and season finale delivered, and I'm looking forward to the next. Now, will somebody tell me what happened on Game of Thrones?

Prude Alert

Ken AshfordEducation, Popular Culture, Science & TechnologyLeave a Comment

From Talking Points Memo: Parents in Dietrich, Idaho, aren’t very happy with the way science teacher Tim McDaniel is teaching their children human anatomy. That is to say, they’re unhappy that he is teaching them human anatomy at all. In a formal complaint made against the 18-year Dietrich School veteran by at least four parents, McDaniel is chided for using the … Read More

2013 Oscar Predictions

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

Actor in a Leading Role Bradley Cooper in "Silver Linings Playbook" Daniel Day-Lewis in "Lincoln" Hugh Jackman in "Les Misérables" Joaquin Phoenix in "The Master" Denzel Washington in "Flight" WILL WIN:  Daniel Day-Lewis – This is easily predictable. Actor in a Supporting Role Alan Arkin in "Argo" Robert De Niro in "Silver Linings Playbook" Philip Seymour Hoffman in "The Master" Tommy Lee Jones in "Lincoln" Christoph Waltz in "Django Unchained" … Read More

Downton Abbey, Season 3, Final Episode Thoughts

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

SPOILER ALERTS!! First of all, I must acknowledge the bad plot line of the season: Mrs. O'Brien's attempt to get her nephew, Alfred, into a higher position.  As far as I can tell, her plan was half-baked to begin with — something akin to the Underpants Gnome strategy: (1)  Get Thomas and Jimmy James in bed together, even though Jimmy … Read More