
Ken AshfordPopular Culture1 Comment

One of my favorite movies, Sneakers, is 20 years old this year, and I'm glad to see that it has a solid, if not small, fan base.   For those who haven't seen it, it is a caper movie with an amazing cast, script, and score.  Despite a cast which included Robert Redford, James Earl Jones, David Straitham, Sidney Poitier, … Read More

Why Is Today Like No Other Day

Ken AshfordHistory, Popular CultureLeave a Comment

Because this happened 55 years ago today: The Quarry Men skiffle group played, fronted by a guy named John Lennon. And another guy showed up to hear him.  That other guy was Paul McCartney. I remember coming into the fete and seeing all the sideshows. And also hearing all this great music wafting in from this little Tannoy system. It … Read More

The Newsroom Doesn’t Blow

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

HBO's "The Newsroom" just got renewed for a second season, despite several bad reviews.  Even some Sorkin fans seem a little dismayed. The first two shows have aired, and I absolutely love it.  In fact, I am enjoying it more than "Studio 60" when it first aired. "The Newsroom" has all the Sorkin staples — most notably, the fast banter. … Read More

Carrie Underwood Backlash

Ken AshfordGodstuff, Popular Culture, Sex/Morality/Family Values1 Comment

This past weekend, Carrie Underwood gave an interview with the Independent UK newspaper about her support for gay marriage. This was her big quote from the interview: "As a married person myself, I don't know what it's like to be told I can't marry somebody I love and want to marry," Underwood told the Independent. "I can't imagine how that … Read More

Tupac And The Future

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

I'm not a fan of Tupac, or rap music in general, but I must say that his recent performance at Coachella 2012 was incredibly life-like for someone who has been dead for 15 years. Of course, it's not Tupac at all, but a recorded holograph of Tupac.  And it makes you wonder what's in the future for entertaiment.  Can I … Read More

OMG! Thomas Elliott Visits A Shopping Mall!

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

Watch as celebrity Thomas Elliott pays a visit to a Virginia shopping mall.  Within 7 minutes, the security guards are escorting him through the mall.  Within 10 minutes, he's shutting down stores so he can visit them. One catch… Thomas Elliott isn't a celebrity and he's not famous.  He got a few of his friends to act like he was…. … Read More

Beatles To Reunite? Not Really.

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

But kind of.  But maybe not. Sgt. Pepper may have recruited new members to the Lonely Hearts Club Band. Four sons of the four Beatles may be looking to form a group of their own. James McCartney has reached out to Sean Lennon, Dhani Harrison and Zak Starkey to create the next generation of The Beatles, the BBC reports. In an interview Monday, the 34-year-old … Read More


Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

I sort of always suspected that the folks in and around Downton weren't speaking quite correctly.  Ben Zimmer of Language Log noticed some anachronistic expressions, too.  He gives his analysis here.   Further thoughts at Obsidian Wings.