Stupid Moviegoers Demand Money Back Upon Discoverin “The Artist” Is A Silent Movie

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

Philistines:  The tribute to 1920s Hollywood, the black and white movie has already won three Golden Globe awards for its dazzling portrayal of the pre-talkie era. But audiences at some Odeon Cinemas are unimpressed by the homage to the "Golden Age" of silent films and a smaller-than-usual screen. Film-fan Nicola Shearer, 25, attended a screening at Odeon Liverpool One after … Read More

Patton Oswalt Tweets Downton Abbey

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

 "I never had an Anna to braid MY hair." — Willie Nelson, feeling maudlin on the tour bus.  Edith just threw down in a 1916 equivalent of Russ Meyers' SUPERVIXENS. #DowntonPBS Sorry ladies, for the earlier Molesley tweet. And Molesley? You do NOT mack on Bates' shorty. #TeamBates #DowntonPBS "My hobbies are croquet, pressing flowers and failing to say what I mean." — … Read More

I Can’t Keep Up

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

Google+ is out, and Pinterest is in? Was Google+ ever in?   And I'm told that Winterfell ("Game of Thrones") is out already, to be replaced in 2012 by District 11 ("Hunger Games").  I haven't even seen Game of Thrones yet. I just got onto Spotify, which is apparently passe, too.  Bluebrain, the music that changes based on your location, is the trendy … Read More

Short Takes

Ken AshfordEnergy and Conservation, Gun Control, Immigration and Xenophobia, Popular Culture, Sex Scandals, Sex/Morality/Family Values, Tea PartyLeave a Comment

*  Britney Spears – who used to be famous – is engaged.  Uh, to be married.  Uh, again.  She's 16 years old still. * Naughty Republicans — the mayor of Grandaven, Mississippi for 14 years — a guy named Greg Davis — re-ran for mayor in 2008 on a family values platform.  You know where this is going, right?  He's in … Read More

More Conservative Outrage… This Time Over The Muppets

Ken AshfordPopular Culture, Right Wing Punditry/Idiocy1 Comment

No, really: On Fox’s “Follow the Money,” Bolling alleged that the new Disney installment of the “The Muppets” franchise was evidence of a liberal Hollywood conspiracy to brainwash children. The film features an evil oil baron named Tex Richman (Chris Cooper), who wants to raze the Muppets’ old theater to drill for the black gold. The gang reunites to host … Read More

On “Christmas Shoes”

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

Yup: First off, have you really listened to it? It's not really about a little kid who wants his mama to look pretty when she dies. It's about some pompous jerk who sees this kid, all filthy and broke, and gives him money. Then apparently he goes home and writes a song about it so everyone knows just how darn … Read More

The Sexiest Man Alive

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

Let me say something about People's Sexiest Man Alive thing. It means nothing, and it is often wrong, and potentially dangerous to the recipients. And to make my point, let's look at the first several "Sexiest Men Alive".  Starting with…. Yay, People magazine.  Right out of the box, starting in 1985, you picked a wife-abuser and anti-semitic racist: Mel Gibson. Oooh, that's … Read More

The Funniest Walking Dead Season Two Premiere Tweets

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

@rainnwilsonRainnWilsonThe women on The Walking Dead need to stop whining & crying all the time. Also, the cast needs to stop tripping & dropping things. @crankfetterLuke Wormfood For the record, an undead walking cadaver can get through airport security like any other shuffling, glaze-eyed passenger. @shanenickersonShane Nickerson The RV in Walking Dead is the greatest hunk of junk character in … Read More

Walking Dead: Season Premiere 2

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

The zombie craze has been around for a couple of years; I am admittedly a late-coming fan.  I'm only luke-warm for horror as a genre, but as a sub-genre, zombie movies and writings have struck a chord with me.  I can't explain its mass appeal — there's just something about the idea of "living dead" that makes ones spine tingle. I … Read More

What’s The Matter With Tanya?

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

I don't watch SNL anymore, and it's too bad, because for the first time in its history, it has a noticeable female slant.   Sure, there have been female stars on SNL before… from Gilda Radner to Tina Fey.  But what's different now is that a lot of the writing and comic ideas coming out of SNL now is that … Read More

Netflix Is Fucking With Its Business Model Again

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

Not content to remain successful, Netflix has decided to split its DVD services from its streaming service: The mail order plan will be renamed "Qwikster." In a few weeks, Netflix subscribers who want to get DVDs by mail will go to a separate website to access Qwikster. The streaming business will continue to be called Netflix. Members who subscribe to … Read More

Friday — And Here’s Not Rebecca Black

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

You remember the girl wearing pink in the back seat of the car with Rebecca Black?  The one dancing awkwardly with her shoulders?  Sure you do…. Well, her name is Benni Cinkle.  And she's lost the braces and embraced her reflected celebrity status.  In fact, she's come out with her own song and music video — "Can You See Me … Read More