On Mark Sanford

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I think Josh Marshall's headline says it all: "Just Go Be With Her!".  But there's more: Mark Sanford says that at least he will "be able to die knowing I had met my soul mate,"… And if that's not enough, he says that for all the grief his affair has caused, that if the affair means he can never run … Read More

Sanford Follies

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I did, at one point, express some sympathy for Mark Sanford, opining that his affair was "an affair of the heart". But that sympathy has faded upon learning that: taxpayers footed the bill for his Argentian rendez-vous (that's French for "fuckin'") the piece of Argentian tail which he now refers to as his "soul mate" was one in a series … Read More

Different Perspective On Sanford

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And one with which I agree, from John Dickerson at Slate: The personal impact of the Sanford affair is more gripping than the political. Sanford has done a horrible thing to his wife and family and friends. He seemed to know and feel this more profoundly than other politicians we've seen go through this familiar apology exercise before. That doesn't … Read More

Ewwww, Not The Actual Emails

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How did they get out so fast? Oh, and those trips to Argentina?  Could be that the taxpayers paid for them.  Mr. Fiscal Conservative, Mr. I-Don't-Want-Stimulus-Money spent taxpayer dollars to meet his paramour in Argentina. Impeachment to come next.  Or resignation. ON SECOND READING:  Actually, I kind of like the emails.  I mean, under better circumstances (e.g., neither one is married) they're … Read More

Sanford On Clinton/Lewinsky and Livingston Affairs

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“The bottom line, though, is I am sure there will be a lot of legalistic explanations pointing out that the president lied under oath. His situation was not under oath. The bottom line, though, is he still lied. He lied under a different oath, and that is the oath to his wife. So it’s got to be taken very, very … Read More

It’s 2:15 PM. Do You Know Where Your Governor Is? [UPDATE: He Confesses]

Ken AshfordElection 2012, Republicans, Sex ScandalsLeave a Comment

Gov. Mark Sanford is late for his 2:00 pm news conference to explain his whereabouts and odd behavior these past six days. Except he hasn't shown up yet. Probably on the Chisholm Trail, I'm guessing. UPDATE (2:25 pm): Okay, here he is. He's basically apologizing to his wife, kids and staff for just disappearing like that. 2:27 pm:  Now he's … Read More

Ensign/Marriage Values Timeline

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Some brief quotes from U.S. Senator John Ensign (R-NV), GOP leader of the Republican Policy Committee and a man hinting at a 2012 presidential bid, on the subject of marriage: 1998: While running for Nevada’s Senate seat against Harry Reid, Ensign called on President Clinton to resign in light of his admitted affair with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky: “I came to that conclusion recently, and … Read More

Miss Prejean’s Contract

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The contract: Carrie Prejean Miss California Contract – Miss California pageant co-director Shanna Moakler — who just resigned — had objected to Prejean signing on to the National Organization for Marriage’s lobbying team and to Prejean’s failure to own up to topless photos, both of which violate the Miss California contact, says one news source. I don’t claim to have … Read More

Levi Johnston Wants You To Know….

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… that he's not "white trash". Right.  The sproadically-employed dude only got the underage daughter of Alaska's governor pregnant (they weren't married) thanks to unprotected sex… and then went on a trashy daytime television show to attack his estranged girlfriend — that's all. Why, that could be a story right out of "Ozzie and Harriet".

Now This Calls For Some Serious Schadenfreude

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The James Dobson-led conservative religious group, Focus on The Family, has fallen on hard times.  First, their once-significant political inflluence has dwindled to almost nil, as shown by the last elections.  Secondly, they have had to undergo serious layoffs recently.  So this can't be welcomed with much pleasure: A Colorado Springs man who narrates the Bible in Spanish on CDs and … Read More

Favorite Lede Paragraph Of The Day

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Chicago Sun-Times: Inverness Police say former Cook County Republican Chairman Gary Skoien admitted having two prostitutes in his children’s playroom when his wife walked in on him early Sunday morning. Jesus, dude.  Two prostitutes?  In the children's playroom?  On a Sunday morning?

The Edwards Affair

Ken AshfordElection 2008, Sex ScandalsLeave a Comment

Coming from the National Enquirer, one might be attempted to dismiss this out-of-hand. But they seem to have detailed facts, all of which boil down to this: JOHN EDWARDS WAS CAUGHT LAST NIGHT MEETING WITH A WOMAN NOT HIS WIFE AND THEIR LOVE CHILD!!! The National Enquirer has pushed this story before, and Edwards has denied it.  The problem with … Read More

Necrophilia In Wisconsin

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Hi, guys.  It’s quite obvious, looking at you, why you are unable to have sex with an actual living girl…. And I know, man.  We’ve all been there, especially at the awkward pimply face age. But, I gotta tell you, digging up girls to have sex with?  So, not cool. Their intended victim was a 20 year old nursing assistant … Read More