Maybe there is some value to drunk texting, because the alternative gets little results….
Fake Earthquake
If your Facebook or Twitter feed starts going off with buzz about a massive California earthquake in the next few hours, don't worry. It's only a test. A drill is planned by natural disaster experts at San Diego State University to test how social media would be used to respond to a crisis. Unless, of course, there is an actual earthquake … Read More
The Outage
Apparently Facebook was down for a couple of hours yesterday. They say it was a database glitch, but I'm betting it's because two people poked each other at the exact same time. The outage apparently caused Facebook addicts to roam the street in tears, shoving photos of themselves in peoples' faces and screaming "DO YOU LIKE THIS? WELL, DO YOU?!?" There … Read More
White House Reporter Live Tweets His Own Heart Attack
That was Mediate's Tommy Christopher, tweeting about his heart attack on September 5. A minute later, he tweeted that the "paramedics think I will live". It turned out to be a rather serious heart attack, too. Read the full story. Or just follow his tweets.
Did You Ever Get The Impression That Certain Ads Are Following You Online, Wherever You Go??
Well, guess what? They are.
The Facebook Killer
It was only a matter of time, really: Three teens who were on a 69-name hit list posted on Facebook have been killed in the past 10 days… Don't worry — it isn't happening in America…. yet. Read the whole thing.
Interesting Twist On Keeping An On-Line Journal
OhLife is an email-based private online journal site, where you can keep, well, your private online journal. Once you sign up, every night OhLife emails you the question "How did your day go?" Just reply with your entry and it's saved instantly. What's the interesting twist? After you have accumulated a backlog of journal entries, OhLife will start to send … Read More
Facebook: Becoming Location-Based?
Looks like Facebook is getting into the location wars. Announcement this evening
Tip Of The Day (Speaking of Non-Traditional Marriages…)
Here it is: If you insist on marrying another woman while you're already married, don't Facebook the wedding and honeymoon. Just sayin'.
America: Where People Are Moving
An interesting interactive map here shows the migration patterns of people in 2008. Click on any county, and it shows (in black) how many moved into that county (and from where), and (in red) how many left that county (and to where). Here's the migration patterns relating to Forsyth County, NC. Looks like this county had more incomers than outgoers, … Read More
Facebook Privacy Settings
Kudos to the New York Times for doing the heavy lifting and mapping out all the places on Facebook where there are privacy settings. As they write, "To manage your privacy on Facebook, you will need to navigate through 50 settings with more than 170 options…" The NYT came up with this graphic, which you will have to click to … Read More
Faisal Shahzad’s Online Personality
From NRO A YouTube video claiming credit for a “successful” bombing in Times Square was uploaded just hours after the failed attempt, to a web site created the day before. The video was uploaded in Connecticut, where Faisal Shahzad, arrested last night at JFK International, calls home. Like seemingly every modern-day terrorist, Shahzad has a Facebook page (I won’t link … Read More
What Does Facebook Publish About You?
There's been some controversy about the new Facebook changes, and its impact on your privacy. I touched on it here in this post. Basically, Facebook made the decision to make some aspects of your Facebook profile available to, well, anything on the Internet — and vice versa. For example, if John Smith posted a video from Youtube on Facebook — say, a … Read More