I Got Nothing

Ken AshfordTrump & Administration, War On ChristmasLeave a Comment

Sometimes Trump does shit that is so alarming that you just can’t get your head around it. Here are Trump’s tweets on… well, read them. Unbeknownst to almost everyone, the major Taliban leaders and, separately, the President of Afghanistan, were going to secretly meet with me at Camp David on Sunday. They were coming to the United States tonight. Unfortunately, … Read More

Trump Beginning To Lose Hard Right?

Ken AshfordElection 2016, War On ChristmasLeave a Comment

Moments ago at the conservative Value Voters summit (which met Rubio this morning to much applause), this happened: Trump booed at VVS when calls Marco Rubio a “clown.” Then he blasts Rubio for flip-flopping on immigration reform. — David Corn (@DavidCornDC) September 25, 2015 To be clear: Crowd booed Trump for referring to Rubio as ‘this clown.’ — Byron York … Read More

Megyn vs. Jon: What Color Is Santa?

Ken AshfordWar On ChristmasLeave a Comment

Santa Claus is not real, so he can be any color anybody wants him to be. But this didn't sit well with Fox News Megyn Kelly:   Oy. The Daily Show Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes,The Daily Show on Facebook After the controversy came to a boil, Kelly tried to dismiss her attitude in the segment: "In kicking off … Read More

Wrong Guy?

Ken AshfordCrime, War On ChristmasLeave a Comment

You know, what with the Boston Marathon bombing last week, we almost forgot about the other "terrorist" — the guy who sent ricin in the mail to his Senator and President Obama. Paul Kevin Curtis was arrested last Wednesday. Except… hmmmm… there's breaking news that they released him today, the day of his first hearing before the court: A federal … Read More

The War On Christmas 2012

Ken AshfordWar On Christmas1 Comment

No, it hasn't gone away.  It's very very real, so says Bill O'Reilly. And now we know who is behind it… the gays!   MCGUIRK: The war on Christmas is very, very real, and if you ask me, in addition to some grouchy misanthropic heathen atheists it has to do — at the root of it — with two things — abortion and … Read More

Racist Non-Reaction

Ken AshfordRightwing Extremism/Violence, War On ChristmasLeave a Comment

Ok.  I'll say it. Last weekend, there was a terrorist attack.  The shooter was white; the victims were Sikh. There was, of course, a negative reaction — but now, a few days later, all seems to have normalized. Thought experiment: Suppose the same thing had happened, except that the shooter was of Arab descent, and the victims were white?  Would … Read More

I’m Opposed To Aborting Jesus, Too

Ken AshfordWar On Christmas, Women's IssuesLeave a Comment

The anti-abortion activists have a new protest tactic for Christmas — empty manger Christmas caroling! Here, for example, is a schedule of upcoming events from a Pro-Life Wisconsin website: Last year's Empty Manger Christmas Caroling effort was so popular, we're doing it again this year, and in more cities to boot!   What better way to bring the joy of Christmas … Read More

GOP Candidate Lie Of The Day

Ken AshfordElection 2012, Godstuff, War On ChristmasLeave a Comment

"I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm a Christian, but you don't need to be in the pew every Sunday to know there's something wrong in this country when gays can serve openly in the military but our kids can't openly celebrate Christmas or pray in school." – Rick Perry in his new ad Hey, Rick.  Kids CAN openly celebrate … Read More

The Reason For The Season

Ken AshfordGun Control, War On ChristmasLeave a Comment

The Scottsdale (AZ) Gun Club is inviting people to enjoy Santa and Machine Guns.The family event allows people to take a holiday card picture with St. Nick — and a high-powered fire arm.Santa poses against a backdrop of an $80,000 Garwood minigun.Families can choose to pose with other firearms, ranging from pistols to modified AR15s. They also get a chance … Read More