Here it is — December 1 — and you are hearing almost NOTHING about the "War on Christmas". What gives. Sam Summers, a social psychologist at Tufts University*, has the answer: According to recent reports, the "War on Christmas" may be in its final throes, and contrary to the fears of many, Christmas is winning. In fact, one of the groups … Read More
Sensitivity Training
Don't tell me the anti-mosque crusade isn't about bigotry and racism. Sure, the anti-mosque-eteers might give some lip to service to their notion that a "mosque" "at" Ground Zero offends the 9/11 families, but it doesn't take much to see that what's going on is more sinister: they don't want the mosque because they just don't like olive-skinned people. Read this … Read More
House GOP Strikes A Blow In The Fictional War
The War on Christmas, as you probably know, is a ginned-up war against those who show their hate for Christmas by banning the word "Christmas". Of course, nobody in reality bans the word Christmas, although some businesses like to acknowledge other holidays during the, you know, holiday season. Still, to some on the right, even the acknowledgement of other holidays and … Read More
Because Nothing Celebrates The Birth Of Christ Better Than Shopping at Capitalistic Business Ventures is a new website venture brought to by (who else) Focus on The Family. It allows users to rate how the "Christmas-friendliness" of various retailers, and by that I mean, whether or not they are sufficiently intolerant of Kwanza, Hannukah, and other Jesus-hating holidays. Here's a typical comment — this one about Sears: Comment Date: Nov 30 2009 8:57 … Read More
The War On Christmas Is Starting Early This Year
From the American Family Association: Boycott Gap, Old Navy and Banana Republic this Christmas November 11, 2009 AFA is calling for a limited two-month boycott of Gap, Old Navy and Banana Republic, the three stores owned by San Francisco-based Gap Inc., over the company’s censorship of the word "Christmas."The boycott is part of our ongoing campaign to encourage businesses, communities … Read More
Why Do We Celebrate Christmas on December 25th?
The Bible doesn't mention the birth date of Jesus. It probably wasn't in winter, because shepherds would not be tending their flocks in wintertime. The simple reason we celebrate it on December 25th is because, in the 4th century, Pope Julius 1, said so. Christianity had become the official religion of Rome, and he declared that the birth of Jesus … Read More
The War On Christmas: O’Reilly Switches Sides
Bill O'Reilly, one of the warriors in the War on Christmas, just hates it when merchandisers won't say "Merry Christmas", but instead insult you with "Happy Holidays". Except when it comes to merchandising his own book. Then he's more than happy to invite people to take part in a "Great American Holiday Quiz", complete with questions about Hannukah and Kwanzaa.
Winter Wonderland
Aimee Mann with John ("The Office") Krasinski, live at the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles, California, on December 6, 2008, as part of Aimee Mann's 3rd Annual Christmas Show:
Dispatch From The War On Christmas: Southern California Frontlines
Minstrel Boy has oral surgery, goes shopping, and drops the F-bomb on a WoC commando: This is also the biggest time locally for our winter visitors, called Snowbirds. These are mostly retired folks from places like Michigan, Montana, Manitoba, and all the other states that freeze up in the winter. The Snowbirds hop into their motor homes and trailers and … Read More
Jon Swift’s Modest Proposal Re: Killer Walmart Shoppers
As you know, Black Friday got off to a great start when hundreds of Walmart shoppers at the Green Acres Mall in Valley Stream, N.Y. literally trampled to death a Walmart employee who happened to situate himself between the shoppers and the bargains. Jon Swift thinks the shoppers should be blanket pardoned: Of course, my heart goes out to the … Read More
Black Friday: Hazardous To Your Health
No kidding: A worker died after being trampled and a woman miscarried when hundreds of shoppers smashed through the doors of a Wal-Mart Friday morning, witnesses said. The unidentified worker, employed as an overnight stock clerk, tried to hold back the unruly crowds just after the store opened at 5 a.m. Witnesses said the surging throngs of shoppers knocked the man down. He … Read More
Linking The War On Christmas To The Economic Crisis
I would call this "overreaching". From the Wall Street Journal, columnist Daniel Henninger writes: This year we celebrate the desacralized "holidays" amid what is for many unprecedented economic ruin — fortunes halved, jobs lost, homes foreclosed. People wonder, What happened? One man's theory: A nation whose people can't say "Merry Christmas" is a nation capable of ruining its own economy. … Read More
The Christmas Police Have Their Updated Rap Sheet
Actually, its just Jerry Falwell's Liberty Counsel and their annual Naughty and Nice List (PDF format). It used to be called the "Friend Or Foe" list a couple of years ago. "Naughty" stores are those that use the word "Holiday" in their ads. "Nice" stores, on the other hand, are brave enough to actually use the word "Christmas." For example, Costco, … Read More
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