Mets v Braves, 9/12/07:
150 Monty Python Sketches
Lumberjack Sketch Buying a Bed Hitler in England Agatha Christie Sketch Spam Married Murderers Archaeology Today French Sketch Mouse Problem Bicycle repairman! Most Awful Family In Britain Albatross Storytime Dirty Fork Blackmail Bruce Lingerie Robbery Lion Tamer Silly Vicar Kilimanjaro Expedition The Visitors Sketch Trouble at the Mill / The Spanish Inquisition Aussie hunters The money programme! A Man With … Read More
Fargo Yeah
For Fargo fans, the movie cut down to the times when any character says "Yeah": For those who haven’t seen the movie, what are you waiting for?
Korean Baseball Brawl
Not sure what to make of this:
Back Slowly Away From The Youtube
Seriously, this Britney Spears fan needs help. And I don’t mean that in a way like "He needs help" because he’s weird. I mean "he needs help" in every literal sense of the phrase. Unless, of course, this is a hoax, in which case, I doff my hat. UPDATE: OMFG! UPDATE AGAIN: Brett (in the comments) busts me. Guilty as … Read More
Wset Side Story As A Horror Movie
Nice editing
Larry Craig Meets Avenue Q
Oh, I know. You go away for a few days and the world keeps spinning. So much I could write about: Bush’s trip to Iraq, the "success" of the surge, Red Sox no-hitters, App State over Michigan (not that I’m big on college football, but the earthquakes that caused here in NC — my oh my!), etc., and what will … Read More
Close Call
Beyonce Unhurt After Stray Bullet Miraculously Hits Passerby Instead
Miss Teen America: Miss South Carolina Answers A Question
Priceless: UPDATE: She gets a "do-over": The 18-year-old got a chance to redeem herself Tuesday on NBC’s "Today" show when she was again asked why one-fifth of Americans can’t locate the U.S. on a map. "I would love to re-answer that question," Upton said. "Well personally, my friends and I, we know exactly where the United States is on our … Read More
“It’s Fun To Stay At The NMKY”
The Village People hit "YMCA" was a gay anthem in the 1970’s. But was not as teh gay as the Finnish version: You might not want to watch if you’ve just eaten….
Robot Chicken Does Titanic and “Peanuts”
I’m becoming a big fan of "Robot Chicken" and here’s a good example of why:
A Series Of Tubes
From 1994, a video promoting this new thing called the "Internet". Pretty amusing in retrospect…
Why Russia Lost The Cold War
Actually, I kinda dig this:
Fighting The Heat In Japan
It’s hot this week in Tokyo too, and apparently there aren’t enough pools. Here’s a clip from Tokyo Summerland’s Wave Pool, which is packed to the gills with "swimmers" (although they really are just floaters). Caution: For those of you who experience motion sickness, I advise not to watch: