Fox News Airs “Dehumanizing” Segment On Homeless

Ken AshfordClass Warfare, Economy & Jobs & Deficit, Right Wing and Inept MediaLeave a Comment

This O’Reilly segment on the homeless in Penn Station is… one of the most dehumanizing things I’ve seen on Fox. — Carlos Maza (@gaywonk) June 30, 2015 Yeah, I tend to agree.  This segment plays into some of the worst stereotypes about the homeless. This “Watter’s World” guy is Jesse Watters, and his shtick is to interview people on the … Read More

No Question. The Ferguson Police Are Thugs

Ken AshfordClass Warfare, Racial HomicidesLeave a Comment

I've withheld writing about the fatal shooting of Michael Brown.  For those distracted by other news stories, Michael Brown was to start college this week. Instead, his parents are planning his funeral. On August 9th, Mr Brown was shot several times and killed by a policeman in Ferguson, a suburb near St Louis, Missouri. The police say the black 18-year-old attacked … Read More

Newsflash: Having A Problem With The 1 Percenters Makes You A Nazi

Ken AshfordClass Warfare, Corporate GreedLeave a Comment

Venture capitalist Tom Perkins compared liberals' push to reduce inequality in the United States to Nazi Germany's war on Jews. In a letter to the editor published in The Wall Street Journal Perkins, a founding member of Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, asks whether a "progressive Kristallnacht" is coming. Perkins's letter is in response to an editorial on speech codes at American … Read More

Obscene Income Inequality is Obscene

Ken AshfordClass WarfareLeave a Comment

Just 1 percent of the world's population controls nearly half of the planet's wealth, according to anew study published by Oxfam ahead of the World Economic Forum's annual meeting. The study says this tiny slice of humanity controls $110 trillion, or 65 times the total wealth of the poorest 3.5 billion people. Other key findings in the report: — The world's … Read More

Too Discouraged To Blog

Ken AshfordBlogging, Class Warfare, Election 2014, Gun ControlLeave a Comment

There's this… which is totally true.    The headlines this week, buried in the back of your favorite newsite, said: Income Disparity Between Richest 1% And Rest Of US Biggest Since ’20s WASHINGTON (AP) — The gulf between the richest 1 percent and the rest of America is the widest it’s been since the Roaring ’20s. The very wealthiest Americans earned … Read More

Four Graphs: What’s Wrong With America Today

Ken AshfordClass Warfare, Corporate Greed, Economy & Jobs & DeficitLeave a Comment

Corporate profits and profit margins are at an all-time high. American companies are making more money and more per dollar of sales than they ever have before. Wages as a percent of the economy are at all-time low. Why are corporate profits so high? One reason is that companies are paying employees less than they ever have as a share of GDP. … Read More

Report: Richest 7% Got Richer During Recovery

Ken AshfordClass Warfare, Corporate Greed, Economy & Jobs & Deficit, Occupy Wall StreetLeave a Comment

WASHINGTON (AP) — A new report says the richest Americans got richer during the first two years of the economic recovery while average net worth declined for the other 93 percent of the nation'shouseholds. The Pew Research Center report says wealth held by the richest 7 percent of households rose 28 percent from 2009 to 2011, while the net worth of the other 93 percent of households dropped … Read More

Not Even Trying

Ken AshfordClass Warfare, Corporate Greed, Economy & Jobs & DeficitLeave a Comment

Mike Lux wrote this piece yesterday, telling people about a new report on Wall Street. It's not pretty: There is a new report out this morning once again reminding us of the greatest disappointment progressives have in the Obama administration: the lack of toughness in regards to Wall Street.The report, issued by the Campaign for a Fair Settlement (full disclosure: … Read More