As Expected…

Ken AshfordOccupy Wall Street1 Comment

The rightosphere is full of lots of stories, marginally documented, which aim to paint the entire OWS movement.  You know what I mean… "There is a guy on Wall Street at the protesters shouting anti-Jewish slogans.  Therefore, the whole movement is anti-Zionist and probably socialist and communist as well." (Interestingly, another meme from the right is that the whole movement … Read More

The Chutzpah Of Bank of America

Ken AshfordCorporate Greed, Occupy Wall Street1 Comment

(1)  So let me get this straight.  After being bailed out by the federal government — with our tax dollars – following their gross incompetence, Bank of America wants to start charging fees for use of debit cards?  That is, they want to make customers pay for accessing their own money? By the way, Bank of America gets to use customers' money … Read More

Occupy Wall Street versus The Tea Party

Ken AshfordOccupy Wall Street, Tea PartyLeave a Comment

Favorable Opinion of Tea Party: 27% Favorable Opinion of Occupy Wall Street:  54% – National Poll by Time magazine And when you factor in disfavorability, the Occupy Wall Street folks have a huge net positive, compared to the tea party. Oddly, there are reports that Tea Party organizations are trying to distance themselves from the Occupy Wall Street movement: “The left … Read More

Five Facts About The Wealthiest 1%

Ken AshfordCorporate Greed, Economy & Jobs & Deficit1 Comment

From FACT #1: The wealthiest 1 percent of households own 34.6 percent of all privately held wealth, and 42.7 percent of all financial wealth (total net worth minus the value of one's home). Meanwhile, according to the NYU economist Edward Wolff a 2010 report, the bottom 80 percent of the population holds just 15 percent of the total wealth … Read More

Three Ways That Wall Street Occupies Washington, DC

Ken AshfordCampaign Finance Reform, Class Warfare, Corporate GreedLeave a Comment

From Think Progress: 1. Wall Street Occupies Washington With Massive Campaign Contributions: On Nov. 12, 1999 President Bill Clinton signed into law the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933, a Depression-era law that created a firewall between commercial and investment banking. Repealing this law was one of the top legislative goals of the financial industry. In the 1998 election cycle, commercial banks spent … Read More

Simple Minds Offer Simple Analysis

Ken AshfordEconomy & Jobs & DeficitLeave a Comment

Once again, the crack bloggers at Patterico's Ponitification are showing their stupidity. It's Aaron "Not My Real Name" Worthing, touting this chart which is making the rounds on conservative blogs: and then writing this: So once again, we are shown that things are worse than they predicted if we did nothing.  I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating–over and over … Read More

Dumbest Slur Against Occupy Wall Street Evah

Ken AshfordCorporate Greed, Economy & Jobs & DeficitLeave a Comment

It started with a David Brooks column in the New York Times yesterday.  Here's an excerpt: Unfortunately, the country has been wasting this winter of recuperation. Nothing of consequence has been achieved over the past two years. Instead, there have been a series of trivial sideshows. It’s as if people can’t keep their minds focused on the big things. They … Read More

People Like Class Warfare

Ken AshfordCampaign Finance Reform, Class Warfare, Corporate Greed, Economy & Jobs & DeficitLeave a Comment

A new Washington Post/Bloomberg poll asked Americans whether they would support or oppose a variety of ideas to reduce the budget deficit. Unppoular ideas were pretty much what you expect: raising taxes on the middle class, reducing Social Security benefits, and reducing Medicare benefits. But a couple of ideas enjoyed broader support — most of the public approves of reducing military spending and … Read More

Pants On Fire!

Ken AshfordEconomy & Jobs & Deficit, Election 2012Leave a Comment

I didn't see the GOP debate last night, but apparently it was a lie-fest.  They lied about each other; they lied about Obama.  But this has to take the prize: Rick Perry says the 2009 stimulus 'created zero jobs' Texas Gov. Rick Perry criticized President Barack Obama's new jobs plan during a Republican presidential debate Sept. 12, 2011, saying his … Read More

Country First? Nah….

Ken AshfordEconomy & Jobs & DeficitLeave a Comment

So Obama rolled out a job program last week and urged Republicans to get behind it.  There wasn't a lot to complain about relating to the jobs program.  So Republicans should be behind it, right? Let's find out: House Republicans may pass bits and pieces of President Barack Obama's jobs plan, but behind the scenes, some Republicans are becoming worried about … Read More

A Different Idea — How To Fix The Housing Mess

Ken AshfordEconomy & Jobs & DeficitLeave a Comment

Problem:  The housing market is still a drag on the economy.  But policymakers say we don't want to simply force the banks to eat homeowners' debts, because doing that would undermine the industry. They also don't want to have the government simply eat the losses, because it'd be a political problem — the feds would be "telling the people who are … Read More