Bad Form

Ken AshfordEconomy & Jobs & DeficitLeave a Comment

I know, in the scheme of things, when you look at it from a pure monetary standpoint, it isn't a big deal. But as a matter of principle, it just isn't good: The CEOs of the big three automakers flew to the nation's capital yesterday in private luxurious jets to make their case to Washington that the auto industry is … Read More

AIG, Having Received $152 In Government Bailouts, Gives $503 Million In Bonuses

Ken AshfordEconomy & Jobs & Deficit2 Comments

The lede graf: American International Group plans to pay out $503 million in deferred compensation to some of its top employees, saying it must tap the funds to keep valuable workers from exiting the troubled insurance giant…. AIG spokesman Nicholas Ashooh said yesterday that the company is desperately trying to keep top talent from leaving, and that giving them deferred … Read More

Chart Of The Day

Ken AshfordEconomy & Jobs & DeficitLeave a Comment

A very bleak Christmas, spending-wise:   Kevin Drum explans: The chart… from Calculated Risk, shows the numbers adjusted for inflation (in blue). Those are the ones that count. Just as it's ridiculous to say that "spending at gasoline stations dropped sharply," as if that's meaningful (people didn't buy less gasoline, after all, they merely benefited from lower prices), it's also … Read More

Peter Schiff Was Right

Ken AshfordEconomy & Jobs & DeficitLeave a Comment

Peter Schiff is president of Euro Pacific Capital, Inc, a brokerage firm in Darien Connecticut. In an August 2006 interview Schiff generated much controversy when he repeated his long-held investment thesis:  "The United States economy is like the Titanic and I am here with the lifeboat trying to get people to leave the ship …I see a real financial crisis coming … Read More

The Latest Drudge-Driven Attack

Ken AshfordConstitution, Courts/Law, Economy & Jobs & Deficit, Election 2008Leave a Comment

Hyped by a Drudge article, the conservative websites and the McCain campaign are attacking Obama over this, a radio interview on September 6, 2001, by then state legislator Barack Obama.  You can hear a heavily edited version on Youtube (this is what the conservatives are drooling over, but if you click on my first link, you'll see access to the entire … Read More

The Financial Crisis Explained

Ken AshfordEconomy & Jobs & DeficitLeave a Comment

For those who missed it, 60 Minutes did a nice job 3 weeks ago explaining how we got into the financial mess we're in.  It's more than just "the housing bubble burst".  This 12 minute segment is well worth the watch…. What turned the collapse of the housing and mortage industry into a worldwide economic disaster was this — uh … Read More

About Whores And Socialism (But Mostly About Socialism)

Ken AshfordEconomy & Jobs & Deficit, Election 2008Leave a Comment

At a dinner party one night, a drunken Winston Churchill asked an attractive woman whether she would sleep with him for a million pounds. “Maybe,” the woman said coyly. “Would you sleep with me for one pound?” Churchill then asked. “Of course not, what kind of woman do you think I am?” the woman responded indignantly. “Madam, we’ve already established … Read More

Gonna Fill The Tank

Ken AshfordEconomy & Jobs & DeficitLeave a Comment

I'm sure gas prices are dropping all over the country.  It's a nice oasis in a sea of economic turmoil. But I've noticed something odd though here in North Carolina: the price disparity is larger than I have ever seen it before. At one station near my house, the price of regular unleaded is $2.99 a gallon.  Go another quarter … Read More

Thinking About This Wall Street Journal Graphic

Ken AshfordEconomy & Jobs & DeficitLeave a Comment

Okay, here it is:   Now since 2002, the gross domestic product has risen steadly, while workers' wages have remained constant. What does that mean?  That means that as a nation, we have been producing more and more stuff.  Now, some of that gets exported, but we're hardly the world's largest exporter.  So where do these products end up?  With … Read More

And Up We Go

Ken AshfordEconomy & Jobs & DeficitLeave a Comment

760 points (the biggest daily gain ever, if it holds) as of 3:45 pm…. Of course, this is one the news that all the countries got together and came up with a plan (investment rather than aimless stimulus), which is how things should be done, rather than the U.S. going it alone and mucking it all up.  UPDATE:  Up 940 … Read More

Nice Win For Krugman

Ken AshfordEconomy & Jobs & DeficitLeave a Comment

Wins Nobel Prize in Economics.  Not for his political commentary sadly, but for his academic work. UPDATE:  Let's go down memory lane back in the day — August 8, 2005, to be exact — when one of the wankers at Powerline wrote: It must be depressing to be Paul Krugman. No matter how well the economy performs, Krugman’s bitter vendetta against the … Read More

This Takes Balls

Ken AshfordEconomy & Jobs & DeficitLeave a Comment

Seriously, these people need to be bitch-slapped a little: WASHINGTON – Less than a week after the federal government had to bail out American International Group Inc., the company sent executives on a $440,000 retreat to a posh California resort, lawmakers investigating the company's meltdown said Tuesday. The tab included $23,380 worth of spa treatments for AIG employees at the … Read More