Never Tired Of Being Wrong

Ken AshfordBush & Co., Social SecurityLeave a Comment

According to a July 28th, 2000 article in USA Today, back in 1978 when President Bush was running for congress in Texas, "he predicted Social Security would go broke in 10 years and said the system should give people ‘the chance to invest money the way they feel’ is best." (Source) And back in 1999, he again said that Social … Read More

Business School Professors Write To Bush

Ken AshfordEconomy & Jobs & DeficitLeave a Comment

. . . and it isn’t very flattering. Bush’s saving grace? He probably doesn’t understand most of it (there aren’t, as far as we know, any pictures). Dear Mr. President: As professors of economics and business, we are concerned that U.S. economic policy has taken a dangerous turn under your stewardship. Nearly every major economic indicator has deteriorated since you … Read More


Ken AshfordBush & Co., Corporate Greed, IraqLeave a Comment

Cheney has stated that he has had no role or influence in the government’s award of no-competitive-bid contracts to Halliburton. As Time and CNN are reporting, a March 5, 2003 e-mail puts those comments into question. The email is "an internal Pentagon e-mail from an Army Corps of Engineers official to another Pentagon employee". As the story says: The e-mail … Read More

Cheney Is A Lying Liar

Ken AshfordBush & Co., Corporate Greed, IraqLeave a Comment

Hat tip to Lizard Queen for catching this recent news item: WASHINGTON (AFP) – A Pentagon e-mail said Vice President Dick Cheney coordinated a huge Halliburton government contract for Iraq, despite Cheney’s denial of interest in the company he ran until 2000. The March 5, 2003 e-mail, from an Army Corps of Engineers official, said that top Pentagon official Douglas … Read More

Outrage Fatigue

Ken AshfordBush & Co., Economy & Jobs & DeficitLeave a Comment

It’s almost hard for me to get angry at the Bush White House anymore. The parade of lies and obfuscations over the past few months has left me so jaded-exhausted that each new piece of offensive news relating to the Bush Administration is greeted by me with ho-hum-so-what-else-is-new ennui, rather than the indignation it properly reserves. Here’s the latest in … Read More

Blame the Media

Ken AshfordBush & Co., Economy & Jobs & DeficitLeave a Comment

This is still premature and third-hand, but according to Josh Marshall, the President today blamed the economic downturn during the run-up to the war on . . . you guessed it . . . the media. In other words, if that damned media hadn’t reported on Enron, Worldcom, and the uncertainties about going to war, then everything would be fine!

Bush Busted In (Yet) Another Lie

Ken AshfordBush & Co., Economy & Jobs & DeficitLeave a Comment

During his interview with "Meet the Press"’s Tim Russert, Bush said: If you look at the appropriations bills that were passed under my watch, in the last year of President Clinton, discretionary spending was up 15 percent, and ours have steadily declined. There are a couple of lies here. First of all, in the last year of President Clinton, discretionary … Read More

Bush Priorities

Ken AshfordBush & Co., Economy & Jobs & DeficitLeave a Comment

Analyses of the Bush budget are starting to appear all over cyberspace, and it is sobering. If you want to get a bead on some of the President’s priorities, consider the following: Job training: Federal vocational and adult education cut 35% (from 2.1 billion to 1.4 billion); Assistance to workers displaced by NAFTA cut to zero — the unions are … Read More