+88K. Ugh. Unemployment down to 7.6% unemployment, which is good, but that's because a lot of dropped out of looking for a job, which stinks.
Not Even Trying
Mike Lux wrote this piece yesterday, telling people about a new report on Wall Street. It's not pretty: There is a new report out this morning once again reminding us of the greatest disappointment progressives have in the Obama administration: the lack of toughness in regards to Wall Street.The report, issued by the Campaign for a Fair Settlement (full disclosure: … Read More
Virginia Foxx Doesn’t Know Much About Things
Her tweet: Enough with the budgetary "Washington Exceptionalism." Families balance their budgets. Washington should too. bit.ly/11fRxYN #NC5 — Virginia Foxx (@virginiafoxx) March 20, 2013 Um…. Ginny? Families don't balance their budget. Like businesses, they have debt, too. Mortgages, car loans, etc. In fact: U.S. household consumer debt profile: Average credit card debt: $15,266 Average mortgage debt: $149,667 … Read More
+236K, mostly in thje private sector, unemployment at 7.7%. Finally something close to good news.
President Meets On Capital Hill With Senate Republicans; Asks For Meeting With House GOP
This sounds very familiar…. oh, yes, I know….
Just Because The Dow Is Hitting Records Highs Does Not Mean All Is Well
Here's what the prob is:
About the Sequester
If I go the rest of my life never hearing the words "sequester" or "sequestration", I will die a happy man. That's all.
There's the sequester coming up, and here's what should be of concern to everyone: the severe nature of the cuts, and what can be done to avoid it. But it looks like the Republicans have opted to play politics instead, and their concern is assigning blame. They've decided to call it the "Obamaquester". Finger-pointing is easier than governing, I guess, … Read More
Mail Call
Last call for Saturday mail, folks. The financially struggling U.S. Postal Service says it plans to stop delivering mail on Saturdays, but continue delivering packages six days a week. In an announcement scheduled for later Wednesday, the service is expected to say the cut, beginning in August, would mean a cost saving of about $2 billion annually. The move accentuates one … Read More
Les Miserables
This is an actual graphic from the Wall Street Journal showing the devastating effect of Obama's Post-Fiscal Cliff Socialism on the downtrodden. My, they look so sad: How come they don't write country songs about the married couple with four children who have $180,000 in investment deductions? You know, like that "Christmas Shoes" song?
Laurence Tribe On The Trillion Dollar Coin
So, in case you haven't been paying attention…. A strange idea has been floated about how to deal with the deficit, particularly if House Republicans are prepared to take the full faith and credit of the United States and destroy it. You see, we are up against another debt ceiling soon. No big deal; we've faced this dozens of times, … Read More
Fiscal Cliff Avoided, I Guess
So it seems that late last night, or early this morning maybe, the House voted by a wide margin to approve the Senate bill which would, for now, avoid the fiscal cliff but there is more work to be done so we're told. The bill focuses primarily on tax hikes. Or, tax cuts, depending on whether you are looking at … Read More
The Deal So Far
According to the Associated Press, the Biden-McConnell talks have yielded a deal: The contours of a deal to avert the ‘fiscal cliff’ emerged Monday, with Democrats and Republicans agreeing to raise tax rates on couples making over $450,000 a year, increase the estate tax rate and extend unemployment benefits for one year, officials familiar with the negotiations said. But with a midnight deadline … Read More
How We Got Here Re: Fiscal Cliff
Ezra Klein says: Today’s Republican Party thinks the key problem America faces is out-of-control entitlement spending. But cutting entitlement spending is unpopular and the GOP’s coalition relies heavily on seniors. And so they don’t want to propose entitlement cuts. If possible, they’d even like to attack President Obama for proposing entitlement cuts. But they also want to see entitlements cut … Read More
The Fiscal Cliff Is Like Y2K
I just want to congratulate Ryan Grim for writing the story that should be on the front page of every newspaper in the country but isn't: On Jan. 1, 2000, the world awoke to find that little had changed since the night before. After years of hype around what was then called Y2K — the fear that computer systems across the … Read More