Answer: No. The price of gas is contingent on a world market. But surely, if Obama increases oil production here in the United States, that will affect gas prices. I mean, aren't the two related? Answer: No
At The Pump
Can we get one thing straight? The Republican candidates are hoping to make it Obama's fault that gas prices are on the rise. It's ridiculous. Gas prices are on the rise because of the unsettled Middle East. And while Obama hasn't resolved the Middle East conflicts, nobody has in… well, centuries. The other thing the GOp candidates say is that … Read More
Short Takes
* Britney Spears – who used to be famous – is engaged. Uh, to be married. Uh, again. She's 16 years old still. * Naughty Republicans — the mayor of Grandaven, Mississippi for 14 years — a guy named Greg Davis — re-ran for mayor in 2008 on a family values platform. You know where this is going, right? He's in … Read More
“The Well-Lubricated Weather Vane”
That's what GOP presidential contender Jim Huntsman says of Mitt Romney, who is becoming famous for brash flip-flops. I mean, it's one thing to have an evolution of your ideas over the span of several decades, but Romney just does complete 180-degree turns in months, even weeks. It's really hurting his campaign and credibility, and yet, here he is today, … Read More
Climate Change Skeptic Scientist Walks It Back Bigtime
Eugeine Robinson at WaPo tells us: Richard Muller, a respected physicist at the University of California, Berkeley, used to dismiss alarmist climate research as being “polluted by political and activist frenzy.” Frustrated at what he considered shoddy science, Muller launched his own comprehensive study to set the record straight. Instead, the record set him straight. “Global warming is real,” Muller wrote last week in The … Read More
Here We Go Again? — Breaking News: Another Oil Rig Explosion
Lovely: An oil rig has exploded 80 miles off the coast of Louisiana, with 12 people overboard and one missing, the Coast Guard said Thursday morning. UPDATE: The rig is owned by Mariner Energy. And leased to….??? Well, we don't know yet. UPDATE #2: It bears mentioning that this is NOT a deep-sea oil well, unlike BP's Deepwater Horizon, and reports are … Read More
Where Did The Spilled Gulf Oil Go?
Now that the well is capped, there seems to be relatively little effect on the environment — at least as not as much as anticipated. I'm not complaining, of course…. but one wonders why the environmental effects aren't devastating. The answer, possibly, is this: A newly discovered type of oil-eating microbe suddenly is flourishing in the Gulf of Mexico and gobbling up … Read More
About The Capped Well
I was going to say something positive and uplifting about the fact that the oil leak is now capped and sealed, but I guess that would be premature.
Awkward Game In Retrospect
This is an actual board game that came out in the 1970s: Full story here.
Oil Spill Gushes Faster and Claims Two More Lives
The BP oil spill has upped the ante. This is breaking news…. Oil gushing at spill site after vent damaged Cap removed after sub hits vent; 2 cleanup workers die in separate events BREAKING NEWS NBC News and news services updated 12:53 p.m. ET, Wed., June 23, 2010 WASHINGTON – Oil was again gushing from the BP spill site on … Read More
Obama Has Sharks With Lasers, Too
I miss Kaye Grogan. She was a columnist for Renew America, a right-wing Christian/political website started by many-times presidential candidate Alan Keyes. Kaye was crazy, and her columns had the added pleasure of being written in the worst English-torturing manner. I mean, worse than my writing even. Kaye's columns quietly disappeared from the Intertubes a year or so ago, and there's … Read More
Drilling Ban Lifted By Dead British Googly Eyed Comedian
Bloomberg: A New Orleans federal judge lifted the six-month moratorium on deepwater drilling imposed by President Barack Obama following the largest oil spill in U.S. history. Obama temporarily halted all drilling in waters deeper than 500 feet on May 27 to give a presidential commission time to study improvements in the safety of offshore operations. Government lawyers told U.S. District … Read More
Beepy Oil Spill: By The Numbers
Perspective is everything, and this article puts the oil spill in perspective. And actually, it makes it sound not so bad. Some highlights: The Mississippi River pours as much water into the Gulf of Mexico in 38 seconds as the BP oil leak has done in two months. For every gallon of oil that BP's well has gushed into the … Read More
Pray, Baby, Pray
Palin tweet: This lady was almost vice-president, praised by the right for her can-do spirit and reliance on a good dose of common sense. *shudder*