COVID-19: Cake Or Death?

Ken AshfordEbola/Zika/COVID-19 Viruses, Economy & Jobs & Deficit, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

World as of 10 am: Spain’s coronavirus death toll overtook that of China on Wednesday, rising to 3,434 after 738 people died over the past 24 hours, the government said. The spiraling number of deaths came as Spain entered the 11th day of an unprecedented lockdown to try and rein in the COVID-19 epidemic that has now infected 47,610 people. Prince Charles has … Read More

COVID-19: The Second Week

Ken AshfordEbola/Zika/COVID-19 VirusesLeave a Comment

World as of 8:25 am: US as of 8:25 am: Sadly, the numbers now suggest the U.S. is poised to take the lead in #coronavirus cases. It’s reasonable to plan for the US to top the list of countries with the most cases in approximately 1 week. This does NOT make social intervention futile. It makes it imperative! — Thomas … Read More

COVID-19: Day 5

Ken AshfordCongress, Crime, Ebola/Zika/COVID-19 Viruses, Political Scandals, Republicans, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

As of 12:30 pm: US cases are 14,322 (with 210 deaths). That’s quite a leap over yesterday’s 9,000 or so, but we are testing more. NC has 123 cases, zero deaths. Five cases in my county. Dow is down 200 points. Again, seems to be veering from huge changes. The biggest development — GOP scandal: Senator Richard M. Burr sold … Read More

COVID-19: St. Patty’s Day

Ken AshfordEbola/Zika/COVID-19 Viruses, Right Wing and Inept Media, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

He’s at it early. I like how he thinks calling governors “failing” means “working very well with”. If you are wondering why Trump randomly attacked Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, it’s because of this. — Emily C. Singer (@CahnEmily) March 17, 2020 It is also voting day in 4 state primaries, including Ohio and Arizona. Biden is expected to … Read More

In The Thick Of It: COVID-19 Days

Ken AshfordEbola/Zika/COVID-19 Viruses, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

We’re still part of a community even when we’re by ourselves. Stay home and stay positive. We're #AloneTogether — The Daily Show (@TheDailyShow) March 16, 2020 Everything is cancelled. Schools, courts, public buildings… bars and restaurants are open, but few are going. Broadway shut down. And everybody is social distancing. I am remote working. First time doing that. Can’t … Read More

Trump Continues To Mislead On COVID-19; Markets Continue To Plummet

Ken AshfordEbola/Zika/COVID-19 Viruses, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

REPORTER: What was this Obama-era rule that you are blaming for the coronavirus testing problems? PENCE: “The last administration asserted FDA jurisdiction over testing, and the development of tests like this. The president changed that on Saturday.” — Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) March 4, 2020 Um, does this sounds like Trump has moved testing oversight to an agency with less … Read More

COVID-19 Is Immune To Trump’s Lies And Bullying

Ken AshfordEbola/Zika/COVID-19 Viruses, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

So how does Trump handle the combination of the virus and the economic fallout from it? He can’t blame it on a political conspiracy, though he has flirted with the notion—suggesting at one point that the whole thing was a new Democratic “hoax” before denying he had said that. And there’s no enemy here to finger as the villain either. There’s no … Read More

Coronavirus, In Pictures And Graphics

Ken AshfordEbola/Zika/COVID-19 Viruses, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

Yup, prayer. Donald Trump Jr., the president’s son, told Fox News that Democrats “seemingly hope that it comes here, and kills millions of people so that they could end Donald Trump’s streak of winning.” No elected official, Democratic or otherwise, have said any such thing. Some Democrats — and some Republicans — have, however, been critical of the Trump administration’s … Read More

The Daily COVID-19: Downer and Downer

Ken AshfordEbola/Zika/COVID-19 Viruses, Economy & Jobs & Deficit, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

1) #Coronavirus now in 56 countries2) World Health Organization raises risk assessment to its highest level 3) Financial loss to Americans estimated at $4 trillion this week4) Silence on this from President today; econ advisor Kudlow thinks market oversold — West Wing Reports (edited by Paul Brandus) (@WestWingReport) February 28, 2020 At its low today, the Dow wiped out all … Read More

COVID-19 Update: Looking Worse But Pence Is On It, So It Is Certain To Be Worse

Ken AshfordEbola/Zika/COVID-19 Viruses, Economy & Jobs & Deficit, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

At a news conference yesterday, the president announced that the president was doing a wonderful job handling the coronavirus, a statement that filled me with confidence, as it came from the president himself. The vice president and HHS head also announced that the president was doing a great job, and the president, at that point, officially put the vice president … Read More

COVID-19 Update

Ken AshfordEbola/Zika/COVID-19 VirusesLeave a Comment

Brazil announced its first case of coronavirus today, marking the first time the virus has been reported in South America. The coronavirus outbreak — which started in the city of Wuhan in China — has now spread to six of the world’s seven continents. It has not yet reached Antarctica. Here’s a look at the virus across the world: Africa: Algeria confirmed … Read More

COVID-19 Impacts Dow

Ken AshfordEbola/Zika/COVID-19 Viruses, Economy & Jobs & DeficitLeave a Comment

Stocks fell sharply on Monday as the number of coronavirus cases outside China surged, stoking fears of a prolonged global economic slowdown from the virus spreading. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed 1,031.61 points lower, or 3.56%, at 27,960.80. The S&P 500 slid 3.35% to 3,225.89 while the Nasdaq Composite closed 3.71% lower at 9,221.28. It was the Dow’s biggest … Read More