Did Comey Break The Law By Revealing His Memo Contents To The Press?

Ken AshfordCourts/Law, L'Affaire Russe, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

No, and in fact, if Trump goes after Comey for dong that, Trump could get in deeper trouble. Here’s why: As the news broke, I was on the phone with Stephen Kohn, partner at a law firm focused on whistleblower protection. We’d been talking about where the boundaries lay for Comey in what he could and couldn’t do with the … Read More

Trump’s Tweets Today Are The Most Unhinged And SELF-Destructive (And It’s Only 10:00 AM)

Ken AshfordConstitution, Courts/Law, Immigration and Xenophobia, Trump & Administration, War on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment

God knows why they just don’t take his phone away. Or give him a fake phone with a fake Twitter account. This is how bad it has gotten: Trump’s own advisers have gone on television and stated that Trump’s tweets are not his policy.  Well, who knows? How can we tell? Would Trump agree with that? Even this morning, Kellyanne … Read More

Trump Loses In Federal Court…. Again…. This Time on Sanctuary Cities

Ken AshfordCourts/Law, Immigration and Xenophobia, Supreme Court, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

A federal district court ruling yesterday bars President Trump from withholding funds from jurisdictions that refuse to cooperate with federal agencies to deport undocumented immigrants, marking his second setback in court on immigration.  The first setback, of course, was his Muslim ban. Before I get to the substance of this post, first things first: First the Ninth Circuit rules against … Read More

Twitter Pushes Back On Trump Administration

Ken AshfordCourts/Law, Cybersecurity, Trump & Administration, Wiretapping & SurveillanceLeave a Comment

Twitter filed a lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Customs and Border Protection today. Twitter seeks an injunction barring them from asking for the identity of the person behind @alt_uscis. It’s not clear what legal reason the Trump administration is seeking to identify @alt_uscis.  The @alt_uscis bio states: “Immigration resistance . Team 2.0 1/2 Not … Read More

7th Circuit: LGBTQ Discrimination IS Sex Discrimination

Ken AshfordConstitution, Courts/Law, Gay Marriage, Sex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

It’s not definitive, but this is a huge step. The Seventh Circuit ruled 8-3 that a woman who was denied a job because she was a lesbian had a cause of action under Title VII.  Title VII is the civil rights law which prevents workplace discrimination on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, and religion. It generally applies to … Read More

Redstate’s Patterico’s Analysis of the 9th Circuit Decision Against Trump

Ken AshfordBreaking News, Constitution, Courts/Law, Immigration and Xenophobia, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

Don’t normally quote from the conservative Redstate blog, and I rarely agree with Patterico (the author) on anything.  But this analysis is so good — so spot on — that I am reprinting it in full: As you have no doubt heard, the Ninth Circuit today issued an opinion upholding the District Court’s TRO halting much of Trump’s order on … Read More

NC Legislature Still At It

Ken AshfordCourts/Law, Local Interest, Republicans, Voter Suppression & Voter SecurityLeave a Comment

Despite protests, widespread criticism and a threat by the governor-elect to challenge in court any moves that he believes would unconstitutionally limit his power, the Republican-controlled North Carolina legislature is pushing through reforms that would severely limit the incoming Democratic governor’s power. It’s insane.  One such measure, which passed the House, was that the GOP and the Democratic Party would alternate the … Read More

Walter Scott Follow-Up

Ken AshfordCourts/Law, Crime, Racial HomicidesLeave a Comment

It has been a year and a half since Walter Scott’s death.  I wrote about it here… but basically, he was running from a cop and was shot IN THE BACK As HE WAS RUNNING AWAY.  The video makes this crystal clear: There’s even indication that the cop planted evidence on/near the body.  Yes,. look at the video. So what … Read More

Judge Roy Moore Is Toast

Ken AshfordConstitution, Courts/LawLeave a Comment

Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore has been suspended from the bench for telling probate judges to defy federal orders regarding gay marriage. The Alabama Court of the Judiciary (COJ) issued the order Friday suspending Moore from the bench for the remainder of his term. “For these violations, Chief Justice Moore is hereby suspended from office without pay for the remainder … Read More

Breaking: Big Victory For Voter Rights — No Voter ID In Upcoming NC Elections

Ken AshfordBreaking News, Constitution, Courts/Law, Election 2016, Supreme Court, Voter Suppression & Voter SecurityLeave a Comment

NC voter ID law will NOT be enforced in fall election after the U.S. Supreme Court denies stay request (in a 4-4 split — obviously, had Scalia lived, it would have been a loss for voting rights advocates, but he didn’t so……) The stay was a request by Republican Gov. Pat McCrory and state officials to delay a permanent injunction blocking provisions in … Read More

Is This The End Of The Line For Judge Roy Moore?

Ken AshfordConstitution, Courts/Law, Gay Marriage, Godstuff, Sex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore is set for a hearing at 1:30 p.m. (2:30 EST) today on charges he violated Alabama’s ethical standards for judges. Moore is asking the Alabama Court of the Judiciary to dismiss the ethics complaint filed by the state’s Judicial Inquiry Commission. The Judicial Inquiry Commission is asking for a summary judgment against Moore … Read More

Breaking: 4th Circuit Overturns Lower Court; Finds That GOP “Intentionally” Passed “Discriminatory” Voting Rights Law

Ken AshfordBreaking News, Constitution, Courts/Law, Local Interest, Race, Supreme CourtLeave a Comment

The United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit invalidated North Carolina’s stringent new voting restrictions, holding that the law violates both the United States Constitution and the Voting Rights Act. The North Carolina measure, the Fourth Circuit held, has a discriminatory impact on black voters, impermissibly burdening their voting rights under the VRA. More boldly, the court also … Read More

Rape Survivor Jailed

Ken AshfordCourts/Law, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

Lovely: A bipolar rape survivor was jailed for nearly a month in Houston after she broke down while testifying against her rapist. In jail, she was allegedly abused and mistaken as a sex offender. Now she’s suing the prosecutor who sent her to jail, a jail guard who allegedly hit her, and others. The 25-year-old woman, known as Jane Doe, … Read More

Why I Don’t Have Much To Say About The Hillary Email Scandal

Ken AshfordCourts/Law, Crime, Election 2016, Political ScandalsLeave a Comment

FBI Director James Comey gave a press conference yesterday morning that sent shock waves through the political establishment. The bottom line: Shock waves indeed, but when I looked around at the political landscape when it was over, I noticed that the pieces hadn’t moved. Hillary wasn’t indicted.  That wasn’t news. She acted stupidly, carelessly.  That wasn’t news either. That the … Read More