“Justified Shooting”

Ken AshfordCrimeLeave a Comment

That's what the chief of police in Albequerque, NM calls this. There is a verbal confrontation between James Boyd, 38, a homeless and mentally disturbed man camping out in the mountains of New Mexico… and the armed police with attack dogs. But eventually, Boyd agrees to gather his stuff and go.  He does not make a move to the officers. … Read More

Dear Concord NH Police Department

Ken AshfordCourts/Law, CrimeLeave a Comment

Seriously?  You need that armored vehicle?  It costs $258,000.  Just sayin'. What's that you say in your application? "Groups such as the Sovereign Citizens, Free Staters and Occupy New Hampshire are active and present daily challenges," the application stated. In addition to organized groups, it cited "several homegrown clusters that are anti-government and pose problems for law enforcement agencies." Wow, … Read More

Wrong Guy?

Ken AshfordCrime, War On ChristmasLeave a Comment

You know, what with the Boston Marathon bombing last week, we almost forgot about the other "terrorist" — the guy who sent ricin in the mail to his Senator and President Obama. Paul Kevin Curtis was arrested last Wednesday. Except… hmmmm… there's breaking news that they released him today, the day of his first hearing before the court: A federal … Read More

Insanity In Boston

Ken AshfordCrime, War on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment

As I write this, the drama is still unfolding… but it has been a crazy night in Boston. In a nutshell: Yesterday at 5;15 pm, the FBI released photos of 2 men, believed to be responsible for the Boston Marathon bombing.  Last night, these two men — who we now know to be brothers — robbed a 7-11 near MIT … Read More

What The Texas Explosion Reveals

Ken AshfordCongress, Crime, Disasters, Gun ControlLeave a Comment

I was reading an analysis of last night's fertilizer explosion in West, Texas, and came upon this paragraph: This explosion is nothing at all like what happened in Oklahoma City back in 1995. That was a mixture of ammonium nitrate, a dry solid, and diesel fuel. Ammonium nitrate is made from ammonia, but the United States banned it after that … Read More

UNC Facing Backlash For Its Treatment of Sexual Assault Victims

Ken AshfordCrime, Education, Local Interest, Women's IssuesLeave a Comment

To mark the start of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill student paper has a message for their university over its disciplinary system, which handles sexual assault with the seriousness of a minor infraction. Since the school received national attention for threatening to expel a college sophomore who spoke publicly about her rape, later suspending the proceeding, the … Read More

So Sad What Happened To Those Rapists

Ken AshfordCrime, Women's IssuesLeave a Comment

When the guilty verdict was announced in the Steubenville rape case on Sunday, journalists had to figure out how they would frame the story. Perhaps because of the lack of details about the unnamed 16-year-old “Jane Doe” victim, the collective media narrative became centered on her assailants.  Stories about the case relied far too heavily on the public details about the defendants, 17-year-old Trent … Read More

Breaking: LA Times Reporting Shootout With Dorner

Ken AshfordBreaking News, CrimeLeave a Comment

Link: Christopher Dorner was engaged in a shootout with federal authorities in the Big Bear area Tuesday, a law enforcement source told The Times. The shooting occurred after Dorner burglarized a home, tied up a couple and stole their car, the source said. It was not immediately clear whether Dorner was in custody. *  Two deputies shot and wounded.  NEXT … Read More

Hostage Story Enters Day 4

Ken AshfordCrimeLeave a Comment

I've been following this, and as each day passes, I get more and more concerned that it won't end well. The short story is this: crazy old man and doomsday prepper Jimmy Lee Dykes (age 65) boards a school bus in Alabama, shoots and kills the bus driver, and grabs a 5 year old kid.  Dykes and kid are not … Read More

News From The Fetus Front: Maybe Fetuses Aren’t “Persons”

Ken AshfordCrime, Women's IssuesLeave a Comment

(1)  A New Mexico bill introduced Wednesday would force rape victims to carry their pregnancies to term during their sexual assault trial or be charged with “tampering with evidence.” If a woman ended her pregnancy after being raped, both she and her doctor would be charged with a third degree felony under HB 206: Tampering with evidence shall include procuring or facilitating … Read More

The Infinitely Recursive Conspiracy Theory Conspiracy

Ken AshfordCrime, Gun Control, Obama Opposition, Right Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

So… I guess you know about the Sandy Hook school shooting conspiracy theories — the ones that opine that the government was behind the shootings and that the shoortings were staged by actors. Glenn Beck wants you to know that those conspiracy theories are bunk.  AND he wants you to know who is BEHIND those conspiracy theories: the government. That's … Read More

Today’s Mass School Shooting

Ken AshfordBreaking News, Crime, Gun ControlLeave a Comment

Multiple People Shot on College Campus in Texas. HOUSTON – Multiple people have been shot at a Harris County college, Harris County Precinct 4 deputy constables said. Investigators said the shooting happened at Lone Star College's North Harris campus, 2700 West W. W. Thorne Drive near Aldine Westfield shortly after noon. Officials have not said exactly how many people have … Read More

Blame Pb

Ken AshfordCrime, Environment & Global Warming & EnergyLeave a Comment

Violent crime has dropped significantly since the mid-90's.  In New York, it's down 75 percent. Dallas' has fallen 70 percent. Newark: 74 percent. Los Angeles: 78 percent.  Washington DC: 58 percent. Why? Conventional wisdom is that crime rates drop when the economy gets better.  Therefore, violent crime rates drop with the overall decrease in all crimes. But that doesn't seem to … Read More