What Is “Rape”, And What Isn’t?

Ken AshfordCrime, Women's IssuesLeave a Comment

Apparently, some men still need training on this relatively simple matter.  Let's compare two similar scenarios. In the first, Stacy is a college freshman.  She goes to a fraternity party and meets Derek, a sophomore at the same college.  The pair hit it off.  It's a college party, and alcohol is consumed.  Stacy, impaired by alcohol, and Derek, who has … Read More

Clinton Campaign Hostage Taker Guy: Fugitive

Ken AshfordCrime, Election 2008Leave a Comment

Remember Lee Eisenberger?  The guy who took several people hostage at the Clinton Campaign Headquarters in Rochester NH in 2007?  Well…. New Hampshire authorities say the man who took hostages at a Hillary Rodham Clinton presidential campaign office in 2007 has cut off his electronic monitoring bracelet and is a fugitive. Strafford County Attorney Thomas Velardi says Leeland Eisenberg cut … Read More

After 37 Minute Deliberation, Jury Finds Roeder Guilty of First Degree Murder

Ken AshfordBreaking News, Crime, Women's IssuesLeave a Comment

Breaking news: WICHITA, Kan. – A man who says he killed prominent Kansas abortion provider Dr. George Tiller to protect unborn children has been convicted of murdering the doctor. A jury deliberated for 37 minutes Friday before finding Scott Roeder  guilty of premeditated, first-degree murder. The 51-year-old Kansas City, Mo., man faces a mandatory sentence of life imprisonment with the … Read More

ACORN Filmmaker Busted

Ken AshfordCrime, Republicans1 Comment

Remember that conservative filmmaker who posed as a pimp, went into ACORN offices, and secretly recorded what happened? Quite a coup for the guy, whose name is James O'Keefe.  He got to be on Fox, he pretty much dessimated ACORN (which, despite a few bad eggs, was a very worthwhile community organization), and just a few months ago, 31 far-right … Read More

New Laws Which Take Effect Today In NC

Ken AshfordCourts/Law, Crime, Local Interest1 Comment

Let's take a quick look at some of the new laws which take effect today in North Carolina. The big one is, of course, no texting while driving.  Now, don't think you can be cute about this.  But no, it applies to emailing, too.  In fact it applies to any time you "manually enter multiple letters or text in the device … Read More

Bad News For Huckabee 2012 Campaign

Ken AshfordCrime, Election 2012Leave a Comment

That shooter (still on the loose) who shot and killed four cops in Tacoma?  The suspect's name is Maurice Clemmons and: Nine years ago in Arkansas, The Seattle Times reported, Mr. Clemmons was released from prison after Gov. Mike Huckabee commuted his lengthy prison sentence, over the protests of prosecutors. Late Sunday night, Mr. Huckabee’s political action committee released a … Read More

Census Worker Death Ruled A Suicide

Ken AshfordCrimeLeave a Comment

Kentucky state police have ruled that Bill Sparkman, the census worker found dead with a rope around his neck and "fed" scrawled on his chest, was a suicide. Sparkman apparently made his suicide look like a murder in the hopes that his son would get a pay out from his insurance policies.

Fort Hood Shooting

Ken AshfordAfghanistan, CrimeLeave a Comment

I guess everyone will have their own theories about why Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan opened fire at Fort Hood, killing 13, and wounding dozens. How much of it had to do with the fact that he was a Muslim? How much of it had to do with the fact that he was taunted as a Muslim? How much of it … Read More

BREAKING: Obama Signs Matthew Shepard/James Byrd Hate Crimes Legislation

Ken AshfordBreaking News, Crime, Sex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

Actually the Hate Crimes bill was tacked on to the 2009 Defense Appropriations Act, which Obama signed this afternoon, but it's still there, and Obama noted the significance of it: So today I'm pleased to say that we have proved that change is possible. It may not come quickly, or all at once, but if you push hard enough, it … Read More

Governor Perry Doubles Down on Willingham

Ken AshfordCourts/Law, CrimeLeave a Comment

This story is starting to get national attention.  Presumably, that's why Perry said what he said: Gov. Rick Perry on Wednesday defended his actions in the execution of Cameron Todd Willingham, calling him a “monster” and a “bad man” who murdered his children. Specifics?  Sure… “Willingham was a monster,” the governor said. “Here's a guy who murdered his three children, … Read More

Latest Update On The Execution of Cameron Todd Willingham

Ken AshfordCrimeLeave a Comment

Looks like Texas’s Republican Governnor Rick Perry is digging a deeper hole for himself. The Houston Chronicle adds some more details about how Perry disregarded doubts of Willingham’s guilt.  Three days before the execution, Willingham’s attorney alerted Perry of a new arson analysis that cast doubt on the conviction.  The ultimate analysis came from a respected arson expert, Dr. Gerald … Read More

The Seventh Sense Silly Legal Advice Corner

Ken AshfordCourts/Law, CrimeLeave a Comment

Q.  I have a restraining order filed against me.  Can I still "poke" that person on Facebook? A:  It depends on the terms of the restraining order, but the answer is probably "no". A Hendersonville woman was arrested for virtually “poking” someone on the social networking site Facebook. Shannon D. Jackson, 36, was arrested Friday, Sept. 25 for allegedly violating … Read More

New North Carolina Laws Day

Ken AshfordCrime, Local Interest2 Comments

Being the beginning of another fiscal year, about 100 new laws go into effect in the State of North Carolina today.  They're all listed here (PDF). But just so you know, here are a few: Local governments get to regulate golf carts now. Phew.  Our long national nightmare is… uh… over? It's now illegal to sell novelty lighters. (A "novelty … Read More