Gun Succession Begins

Ken AshfordGun ControlLeave a Comment

From the Jackson Clarion-Ledger in Mississippi: Gov. Phil Bryant and House Speaker Philip Gunn said they would block any federal measures limiting the right to bear and possess arms from being enforced in Mississippi. … State Rep. Chris Brown, R-Aberdeen, said he is drafting legislation to say that firearms manufactured in Mississippi would fall under state law and wouldn’t be subjected to … Read More

Who Is On The Board Of The NRA?

Ken AshfordGun ControlLeave a Comment

Mother Jones takes a peak. Yes, Ted Nugent. Yes, Tom Selleck. Yes, Oliver North. Yes, R. Lee Ermey (from "Full Metal Jacket") Yes, Roy Innis (I know this guy; total dick) Yes, Larry "Wide Stance" Craig. Yes, Grover Norquist. And then there's this: She live in…. Newtown, Connecticut? Wonder what her neighbors think.  Wonder if she has kids in school there. … Read More

The President Isn’t Kidding About This

Ken AshfordGun ControlLeave a Comment

With his gun control proposals now public, it's clear that the President isn't letting this go.  He's revved up his campaign machine (the one he used to get him elected) and ramped up social media.  Check out this well-made web page.

The Gun Plan

Ken AshfordGun ControlLeave a Comment

He's giving his statement now (and invoking Reagan, heh), but here is a list provided by the White House of the 23 executive actions President Obama plans to take to reduce gun violence in the wake of the Newtown, Conn., massacre: 1. Issue a Presidential Memorandum to require federal agencies to make relevant data available to the federal background check … Read More

The Pro-Gun Argument In A Nutshell

Ken AshfordGun ControlLeave a Comment

It goes like this: "We need guns so that we can resist the government when it becomes tyrannical. And when does the government become tyrannical? When it comes to take our guns away." From Wikipedia: Circular reasoning (also known as paradoxical thinking or circular logic), is a logical fallacy in which "the reasoner begins with what he or she is … Read More

NRA Launches Ad Calling Obama An “Elitist Hypocrite”

Ken AshfordGun Control, Obama OppositionLeave a Comment

WHY is Obama an "elistist hypocrite"?  Because HIS daughters go to school with armed guards protecting them, and YOUR kids can't.  Watch:   Yes… how DARE Obama act like he's something special, like he holds a position of importance, like his kids are obvious and unique targets for terrorists and, uh, gun nuts and therefore require special protection.  Who does … Read More

Sandy Hook Truthers Harass Retired Psychologist Who Helped Kids During Shooting

Ken AshfordGun ControlLeave a Comment

On the morning of December 14, Gene Rosen, a retired psychologist in Newtown Connecticut,  had just finished feeding his cat when he noticed six elementary school students sitting in a semi-circle at the end of his driveway.  A school bus driver was with the students, telling them everything would be okay.  It was just past 9:30 a.m., and the students had … Read More

Good News: Despite The Nuts, Most Common Sense Gun Control Solutions Poll Well

Ken AshfordGun Control, PollsLeave a Comment

Pew Research released today: While the issue of gun control remains divisive, there are clear areas of agreement when it comes to a number of gun policy proposals. Fully 85% of Americans favor making private gun sales and sales at gun shows subject to background checks, with comparable support from Republicans, Democrats and independents. Similarly, 80% support laws to prevent mentally ill … Read More

How Crazy Is The Gun-Crazy Right?

Ken AshfordConstitution, Gun Control, History, Right Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

Pretty crazy. After all, how fringe do you have to be to criticize Justice Scalia's views on gun control? Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America, said Sunday that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was wrong to assume that the government had the right to place limits on the Second Amendment. "He was not speaking from a constitutional perspective," Pratt … Read More

Meet The Sandy Hook Truthers

Ken AshfordGun Control, Obama Opposition1 Comment

From Salon: Yes, there really are Newtown truthers. But in the crazy world of Sandy Hook conspiracy theories, this one may be the worst yet. (Maybe you’ve already heard some of the others, like the one about fantasy ties between the gunman’s family and the LIBOR banking scandal and a related theory about the Aurora shooting and the “Dark Knight … Read More

YouTube Gun Celebrities — Where Are They Now?

Ken AshfordGun Control, YoutubeLeave a Comment

(1)  Keith Ratliff, who insisted everyone has the right to an assault weapon under the Second Amendment, who hosted a popular YouTube channel devoted to guns, including videos like “Top Three Weapons to Survive the Apocalypse”, met his end violently on January 3, single shot in the head in his office, where he stored his many guns and rifles.  Police are treating it as … Read More

Martin Luther King On Gun Control

Ken AshfordGun Control, HistoryLeave a Comment

You know you're barking up the wrong tree when you have to dig up Martin Luther King, put words in his mouth, and then say, "See??? Dr. King agrees with me!" That's practically what Larry Ward did. Larry Ward, chairman of Gun Appreciation Day, appeared on CNN on Friday to defend his event. When confronted with the fact that Gun … Read More

Threats Are Made

Ken AshfordGun ControlLeave a Comment

An employee with Tactical Response, the Tennessee firearms training company making headlines this week thanks to a video posted by CEO James Yeager, told TPM Thursday the company is going to leave it up to Yeager to respond to questions about the clip. Yeager posted a video online where he said "I'm gonna start killing people" if the White House goes ahead … Read More

School Shooting Du Jour

Ken AshfordGun ControlLeave a Comment

California: Sheriff's officials say two people have been shot at Taft High School. We are also told someone has been taken into custody. Kern County Fire officials say one victim received only minor injuries and refused treatment at the scene, the other person was airlifted to Kern Medical Center with unknown injuries. The reports started coming in at 9:00 a.m. Deputies are now … Read More