Guns In School and NRA: How They Lookin’ To Us?

Ken AshfordGun Control, PollsLeave a Comment

Not good: PPP's newest national poll finds that the NRA's image has declined over the last three weeks following Wayne LaPierre's controversial press conference the week before Christmas. The NRA now has a negative favorability rating, with 42% of voters seeing it positively while 45% have an unfavorable view. That represents a 10 point net decline in the NRA's favorability … Read More

Drudge Goes Godwin*

Ken AshfordGun ControlLeave a Comment

A screen grab of the Drudge Report on Wednesday afternoon. The feature links to a Weekly Standard story on Vice President Joe Biden's statement that President Obama may use an executive order to reform gun laws.  The argument that commonsense gun violence prevention measures will lead to a dictatorship are common in right-wing media, with conservative guests on Fox News and CNN making similar comparisons this week. * Godwin's Law: "As an … Read More

“Gun Rights” Doesn’t Mean That Guns Have Rights

Ken AshfordConstitution, Gun ControlLeave a Comment

Thanks to the Second Amendment and some recent (bad) Supreme Court decisions, it is the state of the law that gun ownership is a constitutionally-protected right (albeit with some as-yet-defined limitations). But some NRA members don't get that: Todd Rathner, an Arizona lobbyist and national board member of the National Rifle Association, has threatened to sue over the city of … Read More

You Don’t Need A Gun (Unless You Have Gun Fantasies)

Ken AshfordGun ControlLeave a Comment

I'm not here to convince you that we need gun control, because over the next few months there are going to be huge choruses of people calling for that. Instead I'm here to convince you — meaning you personally — that you don't need a gun. You won't even really want a gun if you spend some time on the facts. Though … Read More

My Stop In Newtown

Ken AshfordCrime, Gun ControlLeave a Comment

On the way home for Christmas (in New Hampshire), my long drive took me past Newtown, Connecticut, site of the Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre.  I didn't attempt to go to the school, knowing that it would still be roped off as a crime scene.  It was Friday, exactly one week from the shootings.  But I stopped on Main Street, … Read More

Not The Answer

Ken AshfordGun ControlLeave a Comment

A sixth-grader in Kearns, Utah brought an unloaded handgun to his elementary school on Monday, reportedly at the urging of his parents. According to the local Fox affiliate, the 11 year-old told his fellow students he was encouraged by his parents to bring the gun to school “for protection” following the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut on … Read More

Corporate America Disassociating Itself From Guns (A Little Bit)

Ken AshfordGun ControlLeave a Comment

In response to the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary, major businesses are rethinking their relationships to firearms. As the bodies of the 26 dead are lowered into the ground this week, three companies have announced they’ll break from the sale or association with the lethal weapon that took their lives. Here are the companies that are reassessing guns in the … Read More

Who Is John Lott?

Ken AshfordGun ControlLeave a Comment

When the Ol' Perfessor aka Glenn Reynolds aka "Instapundit" wrote an op-ed for USA Today (aka McNewspaper) about how we should get rid of gun-free zones, his first witness was author William Burroughs, whose weaponry expertise is limited to shooting his wife in the forehead while drunk.   His second witness was gun "expert" John Lott.  If you watch the 24 hour … Read More

Five States Where It Is Harder To Get An Abortion Than It Is To Get A Gun

Ken AshfordGun ControlLeave a Comment

1) ARIZONA: When it comes to gun regulations and restrictions, Arizona is one of the most lenient states in the country. In fact, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg hired undercover agents last year to demonstrate just how easy it is to purchase firearms in Arizona without being subjected to a background check. But Arizona also passed one of the most restrictive abortion bans in the … Read More


Ken AshfordGun ControlLeave a Comment

Sen. Joe Manchin, NRA stalwart, stating the obvious: "I just came with my family from deer hunting," Manchin said on MSNBC’s "Morning Joe." "I’ve never had more than three shells in a clip. Sometimes you don’t get more than one shot anyway at a deer. It’s common sense. It’s time to move beyond rhetoric. We need to sit down and have … Read More

To The Editors of The New Republic

Ken AshfordGun ControlLeave a Comment

So, basically,what you're saying here is that mass killings of children is the price we pay for the "benevolent protection of the Second Amendment". I disagree.  And I think there is much we can do without running afoul of the Second Amendment.  But if you're really going to draw a line in the sand, you've got a fight coming.  And … Read More

Reflections On Newtown

Ken AshfordGun ControlLeave a Comment

As last Friday's horrible events sink in, and get incorporated into the longer string of horribles that this nation must endure, I share the following disjointed thoughts: 1.  Mike Huckabee is a douchebag. Mike Huckabee on Fox News (of course), saying that we shouldn't be surprised that "schools become a place of carnage" when we have "systematically removed God from our … Read More