Now We Know Why The Gun Nuts Massively Accumulating Guns…

Ken AshfordGun Control1 Comment

They're being manipulated by the NRA, which has become an industry shill: Please observe the November issue of the NRA magazine, the American Rifleman where the NRA tells its members how to vote, and the handy “wallet card” contained therein:   If you’re like me, you’re surprised to hear about all these plans Obama has. I don’t remember hearing about … Read More

Owner Of Gun Manufacturing Company Forced To Resign…

Ken AshfordElection 2008, Gun Control1 Comment

…and why?   Because he's an Obama supporter. The namesake of Montana-based Cooper Firearms has been asked to resign as president of the company after he expressed support for Barack Obama. The company said it asked Dan Cooper, founder and part owner of Cooper Firearms, to resign as president after he voiced support for the Democratic Illinois senator's bid for president … Read More

More On Heller: Scalia vs. Stevens

Ken AshfordConstitution, Gun Control, Supreme CourtLeave a Comment

Prof. Sandy Levinson compares the majority opinion of Scalia with the dissent by Stevens: I confess that I am equally dismayed by the Scalia and Stevens opinions (though, if absolutely forced to choose, I’d go with the Scalia opinion). One of the most remarkable features of Justice Scalia’s majority opinion (joined, of course, by Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Thomas, … Read More

Heller Decision In

Ken AshfordBreaking News, Constitution, Gun Control, Supreme CourtLeave a Comment

5-4 in favor of individual gun rights, meaning that you can own a gun for self-defense and hunting (rather than for being in the militia, which arugably is what the Second Amendment says).  Justice Scalia wrote the opinion, joined by Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Kennedy, Thomas, and Alito. Justice Breyer dissented, joined by Justices Stevens, Souter, and Ginsburg; there’s … Read More

Heller Today?

Ken AshfordConstitution, Gun Control, Supreme CourtLeave a Comment

UPDATE, BREAKING NEW (11:30 a.m.):  Although not related to the gun issue below, the Supreme Court just ruled that it is "cruel and unusual punishment" to give the death penalty to a man who raped an 8 year old.  It was a 5-4 decision, but I don’t know the breakdown.  Interestingly, victims’ rights groups didn’t want the death penalty for … Read More

“Assassins” Banned

Ken AshfordGun Control, Theatre2 Comments

Art suffers: After the Virginia Tech murders a year ago, Yale University banned the use of stage weapons in a student theatrical production — infuriating actors and educators who believed audience members could distinguish drama from real life. After a few days of ridicule, Yale backed down. A year later, after another gun tragedy, college officials are still trying to … Read More

Church Hero Not So Much A Hero

Ken AshfordGun Control2 Comments

For the past couple of days, the rightwing blogosphere has been touting and lauding the security guard who stopped the church shooter in Colorado. Here’s Instapundit: COLORADO SHOOTING UPDATE: The "security guard" who stopped the shooter was actually a volunteer parishioner who used her own gun, not a rent-a-cop. Much more from David Hardy, who notes that press coverage tends … Read More

More Guns Make Everything Better

Ken AshfordGun Control2 Comments

I read this at InstaPundit: I HEARD NEAL BOORTZ holding forth on the Omaha mall shooting this morning on the way to work, and I realized I haven’t posted on it. I don’t really have anything to say that I haven’t said before. But it’s worth noting — since apparently most of the media reports haven’t — that this was … Read More

Baaaad Idea

Ken AshfordGun ControlLeave a Comment

AP: SAN MARCOS, Texas – Mike Guzman and thousands of other students say the best way to prevent campus bloodshed is more guns. Guzman, an economics major at Texas State University-San Marcos, is among 8,000 students nationwide who have joined the nonpartisan Students for Concealed Carry on Campus, arguing that students and faculty already licensed to carry concealed weapons should … Read More

VERY Important Supreme Court Case

Ken AshfordGun Control, Supreme Court1 Comment

Perhaps the most important Second Amendment case evah, and the U.S. Supreme Court has decided to take the case.  I blogged about it back in March, so (if you’re interested) you can get the background. What’s at stake?  Theoretically, the whole ball of wax.  The central issue is whether we as individuals have the "right to keep and bear arms", … Read More

Junior’s Got A Gun

Ken AshfordGun Control2 Comments

Awww.  How cuuuuute! In Illinois, you’re never too young to own a gun. That’s what one father found out, when he registered his 10-month-old son for a Firearm Owner’s Identification Card. Daily Southtown columnist Howard Ludwig registered his son —- Howard David Ludwig, nicknamed "Bubba" — online after the child’s grandfather bought him a gun shortly after the baby’s birth. … Read More

…And Five In Iraq, Too

Ken AshfordCrime, Gun Control, IraqLeave a Comment

Bloody, bloody Monday. EVENING UPDATE: Okay.  Who’s to blame for what happened today at V Tech?  Should we blame video games? A lack of guns? Not enough Jesus? Folks, the dead bodies are still warm.  Let’s not exploit this for our own agendae. And by the way — the correct answer to "Who’s to blame"?  The shooter. (But the lack … Read More